AW new scoring

How do you guys feel about the new scoring system? We won last 2 Wars in tier 2 and lost 4 spot in plat 2. Kinda disappointing, i think i preferred when a win gave more point personnally.


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 4,558 ★★★★★
    I don't hate it, but I do think it overcorrected in favor of losing. It is much harder to gain ground when winning while being a bit harder to lose ground when losing. Gotta be a happy medium between 30k and 5k.
  • LuigihulksmasherLuigihulksmasher Member Posts: 92 ★★
    Yeah it’s crazy we win with tier 3 multiplier and only move up 20 spots in tier 4 that’s a joke.
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