Dazzler.... A nov champ?!?

This is more of a rant than anything else but like why was dazzler considered a nov champ. Okay yea she showed up in the event quest but she didn't get released until her pass came out which was literally two days before the new monthly event. Like why have a whole month dedicated to a character and then not even release her that month. Not to mention dazzler won't be in the next titan (she'll be in the next titan in march, taking isosphines place 'a December champ'). And I might be shooting my self in the foot but from the looks of it. She has a slim chance of being in the 6* featured. Anyways ig I'm just ranting cuz they advertised her, and were just blatantly lying saying that she'll be released in nov and then have a day one option for her pass in dec (which was also a lie, cuz all you had to do was to spend to pay for each day, which has always been an option for these passes so nothing new like they promised). I just wished kabam was less vague about what they plan on charging us and had a more consistent plan on champ releases. Cuz I know dazzler is not the only champ to get this treatment. Also, they released that guess the new montly champ powerpoint like earlier in the year, so they knew about isosphine and how she would be the 10th anniversary champ cuz they did say no one would guess this champ because it's a mcoc original. So they should have known they wouldn't just release isosphine willy nilly like in a titan crystal. So why not just move dazzler to dec and leave spiral as the only nov champ. Cuz let's face it this pass feel more like a special 10th anniversary pass rather than a new meta attacker pass. And I'm aware of the new titan changes (which im loving not gonna lie) but that dosent change the fact that dazzler should have been in this titan with spiral, and now we gotta wait another 3 months instead of 2, which is just **** overall. When all of this could have been avoided by just making dazzler a December champ.
Anyways i still love the game just stinks when kabam is always vague about champ releases and inconsistent with them as well.
Anyways i still love the game just stinks when kabam is always vague about champ releases and inconsistent with them as well.
You can complain that she didn't come when you wanted her, but you can't claim that Kabam lied about her release just because you didn't keep up with the information.