New saga in january?

Hi folks.
I try to search but i cant get the exact dates of the actual saga. According to me, the actual saga was for 4 months and started in septembre so it ends this december. ¿I'm right?
Was thinking in hold some r2 gems to use when we can see the new saga pool. If it comes in february I wouldn't wait that long
I try to search but i cant get the exact dates of the actual saga. According to me, the actual saga was for 4 months and started in septembre so it ends this december. ¿I'm right?
Was thinking in hold some r2 gems to use when we can see the new saga pool. If it comes in february I wouldn't wait that long
I wanted to ask if in january is a new saga becouse i am holding 3 GENERIC R2 gems to see if i can use then in some champs of the new saga or in any champion.
Anyway, I'm right with the dates of the new saga? Anybody knows?
Thanks mate.
We have to wait until the next year to know about the new saga...