Defenders turtling up in BG

Fought with red skull using Kate n our boy just turtled up for more than 30 secs with me just dancing around him. He stayed there till I hit his block, took the damage n made him unstoppable as per the bg node.
I asked in my alliance n several of them have faced the same issue with red skull n Moleman.
Have reported the bug. Would like others to report the same so Kabam gods can know the scale of the issue.
I asked in my alliance n several of them have faced the same issue with red skull n Moleman.
Have reported the bug. Would like others to report the same so Kabam gods can know the scale of the issue.
He just held block. That's all he did until i threw all caution out the window and heavied him mid screen.
Suddenly Red Skull AI for defenders. This is dumb.
Dr. Zola