As a r6 hit monkey owner I am hesitant to take him to rank 3 because of his sigs kinda beneficial to him which gives extra duration on his modes and second part is also important for reducing DAAR for countering cheat codes mechanic like serpent but still he will be good damage dealer at rank 3
Got some useful utility. Glass cannon. But those crits/crit bleeds are insane. My friend swears by him and I've seen him do some impressive fights with him
Monkey better in BG, Cheeilth is better everywhere and in everything else.
I also didn't see much of a damage difference between a r3 and r6 monkey so I'm guessing using the 6* won't cause much of a difference than the 7* except the stat focus. As someone also mentioned the sig ability is useful.
I'd say give it a few more days and then make your decision on if you're feeling the 7*. But overall I'd say go for the cheeilth
Thanks to the OP for posting this as I had the same Q. I was all set to R3 my Chee’ilth when I pulled Hit Monkey on Tuesday. I’m certainly going to R2 him but trying to decide whether to prioritize him over her for R3.
I think I’m still leaning Chee’ilth since I also R3’d two BGs focused champs earlier this week (Jack and Scream). So, probably better to balance that out with a broader range champ. Going to wait a few more days before pulling the trigger.
Just pulled 7* Star Hit Monkey. I have duped Chelith 7* R2 and it seems Hit Monkey isn't looking as good as it was as 6*.
What are your thoughts??
I pulled 7* Venompool and was disappointed until I ran him a few times, then searched his rotation on YouTube. I have to say though, you got the better of the two champs. Either way, check out his youtube rotations. Hit Monkey is the bees knees
Monkey better in BG, Cheeilth is better everywhere and in everything else.
I also didn't see much of a damage difference between a r3 and r6 monkey so I'm guessing using the 6* won't cause much of a difference than the 7* except the stat focus. As someone also mentioned the sig ability is useful.
I'd say give it a few more days and then make your decision on if you're feeling the 7*. But overall I'd say go for the cheeilth
I also didn't see much of a damage difference between a r3 and r6 monkey so I'm guessing using the 6* won't cause much of a difference than the 7* except the stat focus. As someone also mentioned the sig ability is useful.
I'd say give it a few more days and then make your decision on if you're feeling the 7*. But overall I'd say go for the cheeilth
I think I’m still leaning Chee’ilth since I also R3’d two BGs focused champs earlier this week (Jack and Scream). So, probably better to balance that out with a broader range champ. Going to wait a few more days before pulling the trigger.
I’m still chee,