Last 2 Carina Challenges. Which one first?

Dimensional Beings :

10 Year Champs

My titan rolled over from Kushala to hitmonkey. I don't know if im ready for a full necro path yet. My necro only has 1 path completed which is the titania path. If I were to do a full with wong. I would probably do Sauron or Odin. But if I really have to. I'll redo titania.
That dimensional one looks tough with these champs.
Which one would you go first?

10 Year Champs

My titan rolled over from Kushala to hitmonkey. I don't know if im ready for a full necro path yet. My necro only has 1 path completed which is the titania path. If I were to do a full with wong. I would probably do Sauron or Odin. But if I really have to. I'll redo titania.
That dimensional one looks tough with these champs.
Which one would you go first?
wong, photon, wiccan, pig, adam warlock was my personal team. and it to me seemed more logical to do the full path for less revives, than the dimensional beings challenge
Titania - Cheelith
Aarkus - Wong
Omega sentinel - Vox / Gamora / Wong
Airwalker - Wong
Cap Brittain - Wong
Wiccan - Cheelith
Psyhcoman - Wong / Vox
Guardian - Vox
Valk - Wong
Red Guardian - Gamora / Cheelith
Sam Wilson - Gamora / Vox
Dragon man - Wong
Cap Infinity war - Cheelith
Nova - Anyone
Grandmaster - Wiccan
So team is :