Updates to the Champion Balance Program

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 644
edited December 2024 in News & Announcements
Hey all,

MCOC Balance team here to talk to you all about how we’re going to be approaching the Re-Balance process going forward, and what “Batch” Releases are.

The current process is split into two sections, the “Review” at 3 months post-release, and the “Re-tune” at 6 months post-release. The review section will go unchanged with our new plans, but the release timeline for “Re-tunes” will no longer follow the 6 month post-release cadence. Instead, we’ll be introducing “Batch” releases for “Re-tunes.” We aim to have 2 Batches of Re-Tunes a Year, with each Batch containing up to 3 Champions. The Cap of 3 Champions per Batch being imperative to us keeping more time for working on Overhauls/Updates. You can still expect Balance Comms each month after the Review period has finished.

In the case of more than 3 Champions needing a Re-tune in that 6-month period, it does not mean any Champions over 3 will never get a Re-tune, instead, they will be banked for later updates when space allows. The team will compare the pool of Champions, and decide based on Champion and Meta needs as to who will get Re-Tunes in those instances.

That being said, this limit of 2 batches of 3 Champions is based on how many balance adjustments we made to new Champions in 2024, which we felt was a healthy year in terms of both supporting new Champions and updating older Champions. Over the year there were 6 Re-tunes, all allowing for space to be released in the aforementioned 2 yearly batches. The only thing that would change in this case, is rather than each Champion’s Re-Tune coming out individually, all 3 of the 6-month window would release in the same build.

However, we still will hold the rights to break glass and release updates in case of Emergency as needed outside of this system. We expect that to be an absolute rarity, but don’t want to remove our ability to be agile when required.

Why are we making this change?

The first reason being more freedom of Dev Timeline. Moving the Champions to be in a more open timeline lets us remove a good portion of the month-to-month stresses that the current Re-Balance Process puts on the team, and use that time won back to focus on Overhauls, or supporting other content like Alliance War, Battlegrounds, Everest content, etc.

The second being releasing a “Batch” puts a bigger spotlight on these changes. One of the biggest things we’ve noticed with the current Re-Balance process, is that often the player's tone of a Champion does not change, even if they are in a much better position post-Re-Balance. We feel that bundling the changes together, and looking into the possibility of supporting them with other content, will help put a bigger spotlight on these Champions' refreshed kits, breathing new life into them.

The first Champion that will be going into this Pipeline will be Patriot’s Re-tune. Other Champions already planned (Sable and company in January) will go unchanged. We’ll have more Comms on when to expect Patriots Re-Tune later in the year when we’re closer to releasing it.

So as a quick re-cap, the main changes will be:

- Re-Tune will no longer happen 6 months post-release, but will instead be released in a “Batch” twice a year.
- “Batches” are capped at 3 Champions.
- Champions will be considered against each other, and their updates impact when selecting who is included in a “Batch.”
- Expect more Reworks and Overhauls to existing champions in 2025!

Happy Holidays all and see you in 2025!
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