I’ve been a fan disguised as a hater.
My guy Patriot has been 7* R3 since the first day that he entered the Titan Pool. I took him to R3 instantly because of how fun he is to play, his suit & shields design, and just because he has the best animations for a Captain America style champion (imo). I have mastered his playstyle but unfortunately… he lacks any utility & reason to use him outside of Photon, so it’s been hard to use him as much as i’ve been wanting to.
This is by far my most anticipated buff out of them all. Patriot is my favourite champ alongside Shang Chi & Valkyrie.

I’m gonna be in a retirement home before he gets buffed…
I have got him 3 freaking times from a titan so yeah better make him a powerhouse
I got him 4 times from a titan. Unfortunate he has to collect dust until July of next year but hey we move
So basically that means only *half* the new champs will get balanced OR that as time goes on we'd start seeing 2025 champs rebalanced in 2027/2028???
@peixemacaco isnt happy about the enchantress balancing I’m assuming
Patriot will never see a day of light.
(Do it Kabam, make him skill CGR)
Look this part of announcement
"You can also expect communication about BETA RAY BILL & ENCHANTRESS' Balance Review toward the middle of January!"
Hope a Buff to Enchantress 😍
I can't see them nerfing her.
The Leader is NOT getting a buff, but if anyone what Vega top 10 Science champs, it look like he was going to get one.
If this is true then it is disappointing that Kabam is going out of their way to keep a champs down.