SBC Drop Rate



  • Kyptonick123Kyptonick123 Member Posts: 15
    Ercarret said:

    While I'm not saying that this event was super transformative for my account (even if it set me up well in terms of doing the new Carinas, thanks to some good rank-ups), I'll say this:

    Before we label this event as "the worst in the history of MCOC", let's not forget that last year's Banquet was truly horrible and this event comes nowhere close to that.

    Last year was substantially better imo. I feel like i got just straight up better rewards from it and that was a year ago
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    I got straight CCCCCRAP
  • THUNDERBILTHUNDERBIL Member Posts: 342 ★★
    15+ SBC and all I got was ****. On my other account I opened 50+ and guess what, all ****.
    This is ridiculous.
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 748 ★★★

    15+ SBC and all I got was ****. On my other account I opened 50+ and guess what, all ****.
    This is ridiculous.

    I have to disagree, I think these are one of the best crystals we’ve ever had. W kabam. W banquet 2024!
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  • P4LP4L Member Posts: 88
    soopernan said:

    someone said kabam were holding out banquet info cos they were aware itll be bad...i had copium since its the 10th anniversary but dayum 🤣💩 signs were there when they gave us banquet info much later than they usually do

    Copium was real. I should’ve jumped on the hate wagon to begin with. This was trash
  • Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 ★★
    Better to open gbc
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 748 ★★★

    Better to open gbc

    Nah, these superior banquet crystals are really good. Good amount of iso and gold, and great rewards. I’m actually very happy with them this year. All in all, a great event
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,832 ★★★★★
    the “grand” banquet begins, but where’s the mods ? Idk, when I find them I’ll let you know. I wonder how many of our messages are being passed on. If there’s anything that we can expect to be done about it, and if they understand/see our pov, cus I really don’t feel like waiting another year for 0% of summoners to say this event is great.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★

    Ercarret said:

    While I'm not saying that this event was super transformative for my account (even if it set me up well in terms of doing the new Carinas, thanks to some good rank-ups), I'll say this:

    Before we label this event as "the worst in the history of MCOC", let's not forget that last year's Banquet was truly horrible and this event comes nowhere close to that.

    Last year was substantially better imo. I feel like i got just straight up better rewards from it and that was a year ago
    Last year had a 22% chance to grant 6* shards, with over a 40% chance to grant stuff relating to 6*s in general (whether that was shards or awakening gems or sig stones). There was an additional 6,25% chance to grant t2a, which are not even used to rank up 7*s. If you were at the point where 7*s had pretty much phased out 6*s, last year was atrocious.

    While there has been a ton of t5cc this year and I absolutely agree that it isn't a very exciting reward, at the very least it's materials that's useful to rank up 7* champions all the way up to r3. Last year, roughly 50% of the time, I went, "Well, that's absolutely useless to me." This year, I go, "Well, I wish I had pulled something else but at least I can put that to good use somewhere."

    That, to me, is a massive difference, and a clear improvement.

    What I will say is that I wish that there were more extraordinary rewards. I don't mean that in the sense that I wish Kabam had flooded us with more t4a and other endgame resources, but rather that there were more rewards that we can't get outside of these events. I think the reworked champion box is a good idea that fills that itch nicely, but I didn't get any keys from any of the crystals themselves. I just wish that there was something in the crystals, with a decently high enough chance to drop that you're likely to at least pull it maybe once or twice, were you'd go "Oh, this is cool!"

    Maybe it's a selector where you can choose between some amount of 7* shards and perhaps two other types of rewards. I dunno, it's a bit hard to come up with rewards that both feel special while simultaneously not being so OP that they can't be given out relatively freely. I would just want these crystals to feel different from just completing content. Right now, there's like a 0,5% chance for that to happen. I don't necessarily want the keys to be more readily available, but something along those lines. Just so that it's not just a couple of percent of all summoners that experience something special, but a lot more of us. Even if that special thing isn't groundbreaking in and of itself.
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