utterly pathetic and an insult to our “10th anniversary”



  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,800 ★★★★★

    Good news is that banquet 2025 will probably have another 20% less filler drop rate 🤣

    Banquet 2025 ur not only gonna see half a t7b its so low there more lower amount 300 and 150 with drop rates of 15%
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★

    Nuclekerr said:

    Nuclekerr said:

    Quit whining. We got 10 FREE 7* champs……then the crystals help rank them up. Be greatful!

    See that's the biggest problem with the forums, everyone has the delusion that everyone is in the same place..
    What you mean by we got 10 free?.. i got 2 and a bunch of sig levels 🤣
    No delusion my friend. The post states “10th anniversary”. We received 10 7* for free and then todays crystals helped with rank ups.

    The delusion is to think that we are al in the same place you are, therefore we get the same satisfaction you get.
    Ah, my friend. Lesson #49343 of being an adult. Satisfaction is most definitely never guaranteed.
  • DarkNightRiseDarkNightRise Member Posts: 465 ★★★

    Probably better off saving units for the Deadpool event in Feb or April...whichever month is going to have it.

    IMO, Banquet's best rewards are at the top where only the whales can reach.

    I believe we call Spring clean
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,822 ★★★★★

    Probably better off saving units for the Deadpool event in Feb or April...whichever month is going to have it.

    IMO, Banquet's best rewards are at the top where only the whales can reach.

    I believe we call Spring clean
    This year it was changed to the poolies
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,652 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Probably better off saving units for the Deadpool event in Feb or April...whichever month is going to have it.

    IMO, Banquet's best rewards are at the top where only the whales can reach.

    I believe we call Spring clean
    Yeah I think that's the April one? There was a specialty one before in February where Kabam released 1* Deadpool and he needed to find love again or something like that lol. Maybe that was because of the new Deadpool movie debut though.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    Jaymix79 said:

    This seems to happen every banquet event.

    Yeah right, this is the biggest Banquet (10th Anni), and yeah, this is it, next year may not be good as this
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    I honestly have to say I feel this is the worst banquet. I’m valiant. I spend. I’m over 55k points and have not got any t7b. Key. Selector. It’s basically all rank up mats which I already have. Getting t6b when I have then in overflow. Same fit t3a. It’s very underwhelming. I understand rng. But should still get something good for the money spent.
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Previous banquets I was happy with what I got for the units / money spent. This one is terrible. And I think I spent enough to say it’s just not rng.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,498 ★★★★
    After banquet failing the endgame summoners for 2 years in a row, and this banquet supposedly meaning to be the biggest banquet there ever was and likely will be, I’m starting to worry about the games longevity.

    I think we will notice a sharp downtrend in money spent in these events going forward.

    Kabam was meant to really peak with this one, and they ultimately failed to deliver, with the crystal contents and drop rates and also rank rewards being very lacklustre.
  • NüΚΞNüΚΞ Member Posts: 275 ★★★
    Kabam said we are all naughty. I got 100 lumps of coal in my SBCs.

    If Kabam would have spent live streams explaining to us why these have to be terrible RNG I’d be okay with it…. They didn’t do that, in fact they spent the last 4 live streams telling us how amazing the grand banquet would be, including the crystals. So yeah of course people are upset. The crystals sucked.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★

    if you don't think the crystals are great then the best thing to do is not spend but don't trash the devs, it's your responsibility to look at the odds and determine what's best.

    that said, i pulled ~70 crystals and got trash, but i think the milestones are solid but anything past that is not worth it. very disappointed with my superior banquet crystal RNG, hope y'all do better.

    Nah brother this is on them to fix at this point with so many people already having dropped so much. Just my opinion
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 509 ★★★

    Kabam Crashed: “this year’s crystal is 50% filler”

    That’s going to go down as some all-time Kabam BS.

    630 t7b shards? Filler.
    2 generic 7 star sig stones? Filler.

    I think you were ashamed to mention the sheer amount of t6cc, t5cc and others i already forgot about… It stings…
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★

    Pls fix this kabam the drop rates are really bad for 300 units
    Ask yourselves why would someone want t5cc for 300units at the stage of valiant

    If u think that valiants should ignore this u guys must have told us before that don't put any hype from event if u are valiant players

    U guys could have easily fix that for valiants even if the drop rates target more shards and higher rank materials like t4 alpha or full t6 and t3 alpha instead of their shards

    U guys need to address that what paragon and tb player require is not the requirement of valiant players it's been more than a year now and valiant is not a new rare title anymore if u guys thinking that all 3 progression are same after such time passed.

    They can't fix it now. Many people including me have already spent close to 15k units on this. Any tweak now will just be overly unfair for people like me. I don't even know how they plan on fixing this mess they created for themselves.fr
  • TiGeR_BlueeyeTiGeR_Blueeye Member Posts: 7
    The biggest 10th anniversary can’t be like this !!
    In solo or milestones you should give more rewards in function of players progression… for valiant crystal SBC is bad . and milestones too.
    For 20K or 30K units we don’t have something good in this pathetic banquet event !
    Maybe you can give 2 R3 level up or 2 titan nexus at less for 30K units !!??
    You can find who spent 20K units and give extra rewards for his progression.
    And you can find who is spent 25K , 30K , …

    We spent 25K and we have nothing to change something in game account . Nothing , only iso , T6 basic , and few 7* shards (but not much for open 1 7* ) !!
    Very sad , very disappointing, very angry
    in this end of year to game !!! You make my holiday super for this End of Year !!
    Thanks you Kabam
  • Law_eeLaw_ee Member Posts: 5
    Being Valiant, FTP and having saved up all year for this, I am so disappointed. The majority of items from my crystal pulls are so irrelevant to my progression level.

    I just wish I'd spent 10k extra on the hunters market. At least I would have had 2 extra r3 7*s compared to the 1 t4 alpha that I've picked up so far and a few more 7 stars to open.
  • Defender_dawn2Defender_dawn2 Member Posts: 150 ★★
    So glad I spent my 2500 units to get past year selector for Hercules and mommy titana

    Spent 4k here nothing but trash
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    KlLL said:

    You don't even know the drop rates yet, how could you possibly know how much of the crystal is filler, even by your own definition?

    Anyways, contribute to one of the existing threads please.

    dude, the vast majority of the community is giving negative feedback and this is your response to me.
    You have no understanding of what the "vast majority" is.
    There have been a good number of complaints today so I understand the hyperbole, especially in the forums where it's a more focused view. I think the banquet pull thread being mostly positive alongside this one with understandable frustration and complaints demonstrates, as always, there's going to be a range of reactions and feelings towards just about any event or action in game. Think it's important to have this space though for folks to voice their frustrations as long as we can keep it respectful. Keep it focused on us and on the specifics, we can take that back to the team and discuss. Attacking fellow summoners (and this isn't directed at you demonzfyre I was just initially replying to your comment) and/or kabam staff isn't productive and those comments are more likely to be removed. But as long as the criticism is constructive we want to hear it.
    Well can you show us those « positive » thread you’re talking about ?

    As for constructive criticism, too much T6CC, nearly 66% of the rewards in the SBC are just what we can get daily for free ing the daily crystal…

    For a « glorious » reveal on the 10th year anniversary, we were all expected something more… « glorious or spectacular or wow » and not simply « take those T6CC, yes we know you can get plenty of them for free but those are special : they cost 300 units ! »
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