You guys are getting shards and nexuses?

Bateman97Bateman97 Member Posts: 35
Lol just opened some 30 SBC's and just got tier 5c, cc, iso and gold.
What is happening some are agreeing these are good rewards for someone started playing recently but man it hurts when you've been here 5+ years and long


  • SkalamenkoSkalamenko Member Posts: 179
    It's RNG, what did people expect lol.
    Some people in my alliance got really good pullz with less than 3k units , and some really bad with 15k.
    Im just glad realm and solo and ally rewards are good, so i am happy with that.
  • Bateman97Bateman97 Member Posts: 35

    It's RNG, what did people expect lol.
    Some people in my alliance got really good pullz with less than 3k units , and some really bad with 15k.
    Im just glad realm and solo and ally rewards are good, so i am happy with that.

    Good for you mate but i was going to spend some cash and seeing these drop rates... Nahh
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Drop rates are hot garbage, I apparently hit the jackpot and got the limited selector twice (got and awakened shocker), but everything else was garbage.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,836 ★★★★★

    2025 is going to be pathetic for me after this pull.
  • SkalamenkoSkalamenko Member Posts: 179
    Bateman97 said:

    It's RNG, what did people expect lol.
    Some people in my alliance got really good pullz with less than 3k units , and some really bad with 15k.
    Im just glad realm and solo and ally rewards are good, so i am happy with that.

    Good for you mate but i was going to spend some cash and seeing these drop rates... Nahh
    Naah, to me atleast it is not fun spending, atleast anything heaviliy, i just buy the 5$ unit daily for 30days and thats it.
    If i was spending i think it would be boring in a month.
  • Bateman97Bateman97 Member Posts: 35

    2025 is going to be pathetic for me after this pull.

    atleast You got a nexus
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 268 ★★
    Spent 9K units so far, got about 45K 7* shards and 33K titan shards from crystals + milestones.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,822 ★★★★★

    It's RNG, what did people expect lol.
    Some people in my alliance got really good pullz with less than 3k units , and some really bad with 15k.
    Im just glad realm and solo and ally rewards are good, so i am happy with that.

    (Slams coffee on table)

  • Bateman97Bateman97 Member Posts: 35
    kvirr said:

    It's RNG, what did people expect lol.
    Some people in my alliance got really good pullz with less than 3k units , and some really bad with 15k.
    Im just glad realm and solo and ally rewards are good, so i am happy with that.

    (Slams coffee on table)

    Yes good lol specially tier5cc for valient players
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