EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
The year is almost coming to an end, how’s 2024 for you in Mcoc? For me I am a bit 50/50.

2024 169 votes

travgiantThatGuyYouSaw235MasterduxWicket329Newman0067Sagacious0wlpontusumbrapeixemacacocaptain_rogersSpider_RicoErcarretTheInfintyShock29ChiefGoatJack2634aldenchan2011ThePredator1001MiStaloOvaHonorable_BluJayApyr_droog 35 votes
CrimsonBadgerBigTuna_2054Leediman39yossContestOfNoobsKiptonadeAssumedNameLogan00sxlbstverliebtjacboonGodofLoaButtehrsTony886RockypantherxKyrinMcHOwlkitsvilariumFeloussseEwell65SSS69Hauntedbullet24 77 votes
bhuv9191BosleyCropDusterRacs0BluestoneLeslie316JyotishkaGyanemdjerBryngelson19Gulfstream550CASrinivasWakanda4Ever278myanswerkrystolixJESUSCHRISTAnnihilator13_BeastDadHainam219KillswitchmitchZaroy 49 votes
BendyJclark3168Justcause102AlmccarthyPybruhEdisonLawxXmrandersonXxEagleSword 8 votes


  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Aside from banquet it was solid imo. Lots of good content, some free goodies (more than usual). Liked stuff like EOP and the carina stuff. Overall enjoyed it but obviously a lot of bugs and some missteps but not even close to awful

    Champ releases were a disappointment for me until the last few months where I think they turned it around with scream, Jack, spiral and the great buffs

    Banquet was easily the worst part and I guarantee a lot of people will say awful cause it’s a pretty bad end to the year. Fingers crossed for a decent Christmas gift

    The buffs were easily one of the best parts of the year. Formerly trash and mid champs like SIM, Deadpool X Force, Mr Sinister are now fantastic champions
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 815 ★★★
    Its not awful, but kabam giving 10 7* was not expected and banquet was always like this crystal drop rates will always RNG based
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★

    This “finale” has really soured what was shaping up to be a decent year. Kabam has epically dropped the ball at the finish line and pretty much lied about these crystals. Barring a massive make-up gesture, I’m completely done spending on this game.

    That’s only one part of the year though
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 300 ★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    The year is almost coming to an end, how’s 2024 for you in Mcoc? For me I am a bit 50/50.

    After the cyber deals, I was able to add a bunch of top tier BG champs to my roster- now making it much less stressful to climb and maintain high mysterium-mid celestial rank.
    I added a total of 8 new 7*’s (I’m an endgame valiant player) and 16 R3’s. This event doesn’t really phase me much, since I’ve been playing for almost 10 years- I know exactly how this event goes and is meant to go (Banquet)
  • baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★
    I don't do alliance war or battlegrounds, so all these defensive champions that came out had no effect on me other than NPC's I have to learn how to fight against. Every year when they release a title based off the number of years you've been playing, we've always gotten a gift like a champion or rank up materials along the profile picture and title. That did not happen this year. Getting 10 free 7 stars was nice so that's a plus. Didn't care for the cyber weekend event at all. This banquet event was hyped for months when they started releasing currency to exchange for the crystals. This got us players excited as we were expecting something completely great. Now we are reminded that at the end of the day (or the year in this case), this is Kabam we are talking about: give us something decent to semi good, then provide us with disappointment in the end.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    kvirr said:

    Outside of recent times, ( staring you in the face dec 20th 2024 ), it was overall good, the champions released weren’t as bad, and we got a lot of good contents, carina challenges, daily super, reworks, j4, cyber, it was mostly alright.

    I do think some of the champs released this year are kinda underrated (Destroyer and Negasonic mainly) but they are just overshadowed by some of the better mystics and mutants respectively
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I would have chosen a "Good" alternative if it had been there, but "Great" will have to do.

    I think it took a while for 2024 to get going. The first half of it was still part of the "Oh, shoot, we totally released too many defensive bangers in a row, oops" debacle. However, I think it really picked up in the latter half of the year. 60 FPS is a huge win. It's truly transformative for the game. The buffs to old champions have been amazing.

    Finally, while it's not readily accessible yet, I think the PC version of the game is going to be a massive win as well. I've been playing around with it for around a month now and I love it. Not in a "it's better than the mobile version" way, but just as a different way to play the game. There are still some fundamental things that I think need to be ironed out, so I wouldn't be too surprised if it's quite a while before it gets released for everyone to play, but based on what I've played so far, I'm super excited about it.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    2024 had lots of things that i really enjoy:
    + Necropolis release. It is much better than Labyrinth and Abyss at their release.
    + quarterly endgame events (Spring, summer, spring) was pretty well designed.
    + AQ Raids was a great experience, i prefer it over boring *** AQ every week.
    + 8.3, 8.3 and 9.1 was very well designed, i def prefer the 3 bosses over bahamet, bringing every quest from 6 to 3 paths was a great decision.
    + Having decay meta again
    + And Kabam's Big 10 (Big 9 actually, we all know which one sucks) was a banger, especially 60fps one.
    + The game's freezing and lagging issues are much better than last year.

    Still, there are so many badly designed thing.
    + Changing to 1 meta every GC season was a terrible move, i like that it will be reverted back to 2 soon.
    + AQ and AW were still boring and unenjoyable 90% of the time, i find it niche logging in every few hours for AQ.
    + "We are happy with Serpent's performances so far and no changes will be made"
    + Good lord, i didn't expect banquet to be that bad.

    Overall, just wanna say 2024 was a big success from Kabam. I mean, apart from banquet, they have done many great things. For me, i will be excited for more contents ahead in 2025
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Other than banquet
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Nvm I take it back I have had black screens on my win screens and on every special attack 3 animation for over a year
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    I say mid… some good, some bad.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    2024 had lots of things that i really enjoy:
    + Necropolis release. It is much better than Labyrinth and Abyss at their release.
    + quarterly endgame events (Spring, summer, spring) was pretty well designed.
    + AQ Raids was a great experience, i prefer it over boring *** AQ every week.
    + 8.3, 8.3 and 9.1 was very well designed, i def prefer the 3 bosses over bahamet, bringing every quest from 6 to 3 paths was a great decision.
    + Having decay meta again
    + And Kabam's Big 10 (Big 9 actually, we all know which one sucks) was a banger, especially 60fps one.
    + The game's freezing and lagging issues are much better than last year.

    Still, there are so many badly designed thing.
    + Changing to 1 meta every GC season was a terrible move, i like that it will be reverted back to 2 soon.
    + AQ and AW were still boring and unenjoyable 90% of the time, i find it niche logging in every few hours for AQ.
    + "We are happy with Serpent's performances so far and no changes will be made"
    + Good lord, i didn't expect banquet to be that bad.

    Overall, just wanna say 2024 was a big success from Kabam. I mean, apart from banquet, they have done many great things. For me, i will be excited for more contents ahead in 2025

    Necropolis was 2023
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    The champs released this year in a nutshell:

  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    2024 was great, don’t let banquet taint your opinion.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    This “finale” has really soured what was shaping up to be a decent year. Kabam has epically dropped the ball at the finish line and pretty much lied about these crystals. Barring a massive make-up gesture, I’m completely done spending on this game.

    That’s only one part of the year though
    It just so happens it the one part of the year people spend the most amount of money and has the absolute most amount of engagement.
  • szeshszesh Member Posts: 14
    kind of a loaded question to ask during this banquet fiasco. I think it's been a fine year. maybe not great, but not horrible either. if y'all want to experience more gratitude towards kabam devs, take a look at what's happening to marvel strike force. it's an actual sh show
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,903 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Seasons of Struggling to Sustain Sanity (Seasons of Pain), Buffs, Champ releases from Sept-Nov and My personal Favorite, The Crucible are the best things that happened this year
  • Alone13Alone13 Member Posts: 168
    Till November it OK but December is bad. Not only banquet but other bugs, removing lower materials, sector 4 bug or whatever and 10x10 was just a marketing hype thing and they added Isophyne there and made her mid like rest of them. They should've just gave patriot or Sable or something and made Isophyne good given the lore
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,793 ★★★★★
    I find the negative impact of the 2024 super stud defenders still leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Then the too late counters in large volumes to be gross rather then leaning into the balance programs stated intent.

    I find the realm events to be designed beyond poorly. The team clearly refuses to apply lessons learned here.

    BGs has never been in worse shape. The nodes aren’t fun, the variety in the fights have been killed by Onslaught, Serpent, Enchantress and Bullseye. It’s more about how well can you handle those defenders than anything else. Almost all novelty in the modern is dead. Which sucks.

    That said, the seasons of agony have been fun. The deathless chase was enjoyable, even if there has been some very questionable decisions about the champ designs. And some of the very recent attackers introduced seem to have things back on the right track.

    But like a meal out at a restaurant, good or bad, the final taste will be the one that lingers and that lives longest… and that’s gonna be this damn banquet event of hype and manipulative half truths. Sure everything in the SBC has “value” to 7star rosters but the vast majority of SBCs are worth 100 units let alone 300 units. There is nothing fun about opening these and it’s so bad it drowns out the guaranteed value available. But that value making it all worth it is tied to a realm event… and if that event comes up short then this event will go from being a failure in expectation management and communication to being a failed event entirely.

    So it’s prob mid… but the current closing note of 2024 is one of hot garbage
  • TBKlannTBKlann Member Posts: 82
    Emilia90 said:

    Aside from banquet it was solid imo. Lots of good content, some free goodies (more than usual). Liked stuff like EOP and the carina stuff. Overall enjoyed it but obviously a lot of bugs and some missteps but not even close to awful

    Champ releases were a disappointment for me until the last few months where I think they turned it around with scream, Jack, spiral and the great buffs

    Banquet was easily the worst part and I guarantee a lot of people will say awful cause it’s a pretty bad end to the year. Fingers crossed for a decent Christmas gift

    I agree completely, had some good events and I even spent some on a few and I'm generally f2p. My account has grown and I've gotten some great champs, love the new resolution, the daily super event, and the promo codes have been a fun addition.
    I had quit for a while last year and honestly I liked the banquet crystals and event last year. Maybe my rng luck was just better but this year's, bit I got alot more from them last year. It's a shame to go out with such a horrible event like this. The 10 free champs were great, but technically not part of the banquet event. They also said in the live stream the community event would be just extra on top of the banquet, now it seems they are saying it was built as part of the event rewards. Which is it? The explanation given the other day was way off base and lame. Whales still gonna get all the rewards and the gap will continue to grow, and I'm OK with that, not the lame excuses for trying to milk us dry for the holidays.
    Either way they misinformed us. I was excited for it and saved up units and was ready to spend but after using what I saved I'm not spending anymore unless I get the platinum pass for dazzler. Doubt I'll save up like this again for next year. Hopefully they do something to turn it around. Not holding my breath though.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    It’s too bad that one mistake can somewhat tarnish an otherwise excellent year,.,but the community is cutthroat on these things for a reason.
    This game is tight,..people plan out for months ahead if not the full year on how they are going to approach gaining the in game currency,..or monetary funds they need.
    People wait months for these events,..and it takes a great deal of time or money invested into them.
    I hope in the future the Game Team takes careful consideration of this and tries to look at it from a players perspective.
    Otherwise 2024 was excellent,..you can see the game really expanding with creative new ideas.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Got TB title
    Ten 7 stars
    10 champions on anniversary

    Great year
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★

    Got TB title
    Ten 7 stars
    10 champions on anniversary

    Great year

    Paragon in 2025?
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★★
    It’s been mid year, disappointing by banquet.

    I’m just gona get ready for July 4th, and cyber deals next year to get ready for r4 7* wave lol.
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