Re-post: A summary of the loot I received when opening 65 SBC and my thoughts on the event

First off, this is a repost because something happened when I was editing the original. I'm not sure if the post automatically goes to a mod if it is edited too much or if the system is just wonky right now.
Moderator, if you need to take this down, can you release the original?
On to the post:
Hello everyone, I hope you're having a good Day One of the Banquet event. For the most part, I don't think many of you are based on the posts on the forums and videos that streamers have put out today. I want to show everyone what I received for the SBC that I opened then give a few thoughts about the event.
282 T6 Class ISOs
22500 T3A Class Catalyst fragments
2 T3A
11,400 T4A fragments
1 T4A
176,700 T6 Class Catalyst fragments
7 T6 Class Catalyst
3 T6 Basic Catalyst
3150 T7 Basic Catalyst fragments
36000 7-star hero shards
1000 7-star titan shards
4 7-star generic 2 sig stones
3 7-star generic 5 sig stones
1 7-star Cosmic 5 sig stone
1 7-star Mystic 5 sig stone
500 7-star Awakening Gem shards
A 7-star OG Vision
19.75M gold
That's not so bad I guess. I don't really remember what I got last year so I can't compare though I do remember I got my 6-star JJ during the event.
I'm going to sound whiny on this but I will say that one of my alliance mates got 2 full titan crystals and a 7-star nexus, along with other stuff, out of only 35 SBC. Some will say, "But look, you got a 7-star OG Vision." True, and I do like the champ, however, for the rarity all three of the special champs could be, should be better.
The same thing applies to the ISO-8. It should only drop Class 6 ISO-8 with a spread of values like:
Finally, though we know that RNG is a female dog, for this year's event, though I know they dropped the filler to 50%, with all the items that there are in the game right now, maybe it should have been lower. I know that Crashed has said he'll do another event review and I hope that it is as good a discussion as it was last year. However, I just hope he doesn't say something like "the distributions were fine and we're happy with the rewards that were doled out to the players."
To make RNG less impactful, it's really time for almost every crystal to be a nexus crystal. If Kabam is going to put items like T3A and T6B in the crystals as filler, give me a chance to at least get 5700 T6 Class Catalyst fragments instead. I mean there's 4 different levels of 7-star hero shards and 3 different levels of 7-star titan shards. I've said for a long time now that all of the 6-star and below hero crystals should be nexus crystals because there's over 250 GD champs in the game now. When you're having a limited event like that, if you've got tons of possible rewars, we need a chance to turn our 22500 T3A shards into something better.
I pulled Sentry and Sentinel with the two keys that I got from the Solo Banquet Event and the Alliance Banquet Event. I can assure you that those are not the champs I wanted at all. The next chance that I will have at a key is most likely Milestone 26 of the Realm Event. If I didn't sniff a key with 65 SBCs, I don't have any expectations that I would receive one by opening another 65. People should feel happy with the "guaranteed" reward they get after spending units but the devs decided it was a great idea to add one more layer of RNG on top of the event.
(PS) Who thought it was a good idea to give out sig stones for champs that the majority of the community won't be duping for a long time?
If you've read this far, thanks. I hope your banquet benefits your roster and enhances your fun in the game. After all, that's why we're here right? To have fun?
Moderator, if you need to take this down, can you release the original?
On to the post:
Hello everyone, I hope you're having a good Day One of the Banquet event. For the most part, I don't think many of you are based on the posts on the forums and videos that streamers have put out today. I want to show everyone what I received for the SBC that I opened then give a few thoughts about the event.
My opening rewards
Today I opened 65 SBC and here's the list of items I received:282 T6 Class ISOs
22500 T3A Class Catalyst fragments
2 T3A
11,400 T4A fragments
1 T4A
176,700 T6 Class Catalyst fragments
7 T6 Class Catalyst
3 T6 Basic Catalyst
3150 T7 Basic Catalyst fragments
36000 7-star hero shards
1000 7-star titan shards
4 7-star generic 2 sig stones
3 7-star generic 5 sig stones
1 7-star Cosmic 5 sig stone
1 7-star Mystic 5 sig stone
500 7-star Awakening Gem shards
A 7-star OG Vision
19.75M gold
That's not so bad I guess. I don't really remember what I got last year so I can't compare though I do remember I got my 6-star JJ during the event.
I'm going to sound whiny on this but I will say that one of my alliance mates got 2 full titan crystals and a 7-star nexus, along with other stuff, out of only 35 SBC. Some will say, "But look, you got a 7-star OG Vision." True, and I do like the champ, however, for the rarity all three of the special champs could be, should be better.
First topic
The event, especially during the 10th anniversary, relies too much on RNG and is far too stingy with the rewards. For instance, with the chronic lack of gold that many summoners experience, SBC's should have started given gold with a spread of values that looks more like:500,000
The same thing applies to the ISO-8. It should only drop Class 6 ISO-8 with a spread of values like:
Finally, though we know that RNG is a female dog, for this year's event, though I know they dropped the filler to 50%, with all the items that there are in the game right now, maybe it should have been lower. I know that Crashed has said he'll do another event review and I hope that it is as good a discussion as it was last year. However, I just hope he doesn't say something like "the distributions were fine and we're happy with the rewards that were doled out to the players."
To make RNG less impactful, it's really time for almost every crystal to be a nexus crystal. If Kabam is going to put items like T3A and T6B in the crystals as filler, give me a chance to at least get 5700 T6 Class Catalyst fragments instead. I mean there's 4 different levels of 7-star hero shards and 3 different levels of 7-star titan shards. I've said for a long time now that all of the 6-star and below hero crystals should be nexus crystals because there's over 250 GD champs in the game now. When you're having a limited event like that, if you've got tons of possible rewars, we need a chance to turn our 22500 T3A shards into something better.
Second topic
Sticking with RNG, the keys should have allowed us to pick the champs that we wanted when we used them. Since they already said that they were going to have a knock-out system, why make us pull champs that we didn't want since it is highly unlikely that we're going to get 7+ keys unless we're whaling out...which I would bet that the majority of players won't because they can't or they understand that the rewards, or lack thereof, aren't worth spending their units.I pulled Sentry and Sentinel with the two keys that I got from the Solo Banquet Event and the Alliance Banquet Event. I can assure you that those are not the champs I wanted at all. The next chance that I will have at a key is most likely Milestone 26 of the Realm Event. If I didn't sniff a key with 65 SBCs, I don't have any expectations that I would receive one by opening another 65. People should feel happy with the "guaranteed" reward they get after spending units but the devs decided it was a great idea to add one more layer of RNG on top of the event.
(PS) Who thought it was a good idea to give out sig stones for champs that the majority of the community won't be duping for a long time?
Final topic
The lack of communication around events is regretable. There's no reason, other than the desire of the dev team, that the community shouldn't have a complete list of offers, costs, rewards, and types of sub-events (solo, alliance, realm, etc.) two weeks before the actual event. There's nothing clever or endearing with the way that the Kabam team continues to give us this kind of information and it encourages the leakers to try to data mine the game or get "insider" information. Just be open and upfront with us, and do it earlier rather than later.If you've read this far, thanks. I hope your banquet benefits your roster and enhances your fun in the game. After all, that's why we're here right? To have fun?
441 Tier 6 ISO
45000 T3A fragments
2 T3A Catalyst
39900 T4A fragments
1 T4A Catalyst
2 T5 Cosmic Catalyst
4 T5 Mystic Catalyst
2 T5 Skill Catalyst
2 T6 Cosmic Catalyst
2 T6 Mystic Catalyst
3 T6 Science Catalyst
1 T6 Skill Catalyst
2 T6 Tech Catalyst
39900 T6 Cosmic Catalyst fragments
57000 T6 Mutant Catalyst fragments
11400 T6 Mystic Catalyst fragments
22800 T6 Science Catalyst fragments
96900 T6 Skill Catalyst fragments
34200 T6 Tech Catalyst fragments
4 T6 Basic Catalyst
5040 T7 Basic Catalyst fragments
40500 7-star hero shards
3000 7-star titan shards
16 7-star generic sig stones
5 7-star generic +5 sig stones
1 7-star Cosmic +5 sig stone
1 7-star Mutant +5 sig stone
1 7-star Mystic +5 sig stone
1 7-star Skill +5 sig stone
500 7-star Awakening Gem Crystal shards
1 7-star Nexus Hero Crystal
1 7-star Trophy Champ Selector
30M gold
3k Titan
1,260 T7BC
11,400 T6CC
2 T5C Mutant
28,500 T4A
1x 5 Science Sig Stone