Remember the banquet was part of the 10 “glorious” reveal

The revealed us a pretty bad event and hyped it up. And look what happened 🤣

Never spent 12k units going into 2025 with worthless pulls from glorious superior banquet crystal 🤣

Never spent 12k units going into 2025 with worthless pulls from glorious superior banquet crystal 🤣
1 L2 revive ( 40 units )
1 L5 potion ( 11 units )
1 15% attack boost ( 30 units **could be more as 30 units gets only 10% boost )
30 units
750 7* shards
250k gold
15 generic t6 ISO bricks
4 green crystals ( lets say you only get 4 L4 potions still 24 units )
50% t6b/t3a or 1 t5cc or 8550 t6cc
225 titan shards or 1800 t4a or 1 7star sig stone crystal
for 300 units spent on 1 SBC for the most part you get
5700 t6cc ( 2850 less than DSE )
6 t6 class ISO ( about the same )
500k gold
absolute KASCAM