Buff the filler rewards

MaczillMaczill Member Posts: 2
I'm not complaining about my rng or the drop rates. Atleast remove the +1 7 star signature stones from the pool. Like comeon guys you could have made the filler rewards worthwhile. I only had 3000 units + the 10 tokens. I understand what I was going to get but went in for the milestones but still the fillers feel so ****.


  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,266 ★★★★
    Only problem then is what do all the people do who had units saved and dumped all their units and now suddenly the crystals are that much better
  • THUNDERBILTHUNDERBIL Member Posts: 342 ★★
    I went all in yesterday, I was hoping to get my F2P account to valiant with this banquet but this game just does not want to see it's players happy. I might just stop after these events are over. I did it before, came back for Beta Ray Bill but now after 10 years I guess it's time to retire the boots.
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