Don't Buy Superior Banquet Crystal

I'll Open 100X Superior Banquet Crystal For Wasting 30k Units. And Got Only Catalyst Fragments And 7 Star Crystal Or Titan Shards. Not Received Any Type Of 7 Star Crystal, Key Or 7 Star Thanos, Kang, Or Jessica Jones. Not This Year Only Although Previous Year Also. Report To Kabam And Don't Buy Banquet Crystal.
Let's just be blunt and not try defending this company for their incompetent every single time.
For us end game paragons and valiants, the SBCs are not providing the rewards we were lead to expect.
The drop rates for anything even remotely of value? are wayy to low, and roguhly 80% of stuff we open, is just filler.
For us, t3 alphas, and t6 basics, and not important, we probably have over 20 in our stash already.