Why would better drop rates create bigger gap?

Kabams response to better drop rates is that this will create a bigger gap between the whales and average players but this simply is not true. Giving better drop rates to 7* shards, titan shards and sig stones will in a way decrease the gap since the whales already have most champs maxed out. I don’t think people would have complained if the rank material stayed the same.
It is just damage control on their side
Impossible 😱
I realize the team probably feels like copious amounts of champ acquisition materials are in the milestones, but that doesn’t change the fact that (a) you need to pop crystals to get the milestones and (b) crystals are primarily catalysts.
Why not dust? Or relics? Units? Some of the several other varying currencies in game?
Dr. Zola
if u ask top whales they will want R4 in top milestone spending not the rank rewards where there is more competition
1.During cyber people got 11 new R3
2. people will want more R3 material & Sigs fast but it's not healthy for the game
for context :
Oct 2023 BG brawl - we got first R3 (fintech winner)
Dec 2023 - we have people with 30+ R3 Avg account i face has 20+ R3 , we will have first R4 when banquet ends.
that's already a high pace
This whole arguement of whales will get too strong is a big scam lmao. Ftp players facing a whale account who has 20 r3s and a whale with 75 r3s and half of them at max sig, doesn't really makes a difference