Best advice ever:

Please calm down and take it easy. You will live longer and happier that way.
If you feel you got/get screwed when you are P2P: Don't put money in anymore
If you feel you got/get screwed when you are F2P: Don't put your units in the offer(s) that you feel are bad

In the end, it is just a game. And if it is not just a game for you and you don't like the way things are going: Maybe it is not -the- game for you.


  • LordViromLordVirom Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2024

    Please calm down and take it easy. You will live longer and happier that way.
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are P2P: Don't put money in anymore
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are F2P: Don't put your units in the offer(s) that you feel are bad

    In the end, it is just a game. And if it is not just a game for you and you don't like the way things are going: Maybe it is not -the- game for you.

    It's -the- game for us and that's why we are angry and still playing after so many years.

    People wasted real money and units for false advertising crystals. Ofc everyone is mad, as they should be.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,574 ★★★★★
    LordVirom said:

    Please calm down and take it easy. You will live longer and happier that way.
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are P2P: Don't put money in anymore
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are F2P: Don't put your units in the offer(s) that you feel are bad

    In the end, it is just a game. And if it is not just a game for you and you don't like the way things are going: Maybe it is not -the- game for you.

    It's -the- game for us and that's why we are angry and still playing after so many years.

    People wasted real money and units for false advertising crystals. Ofc everyone is mad, as they should be.
    Wait, where was the false advertising?
    I didn't notice because I just opened a bunch without reading them.
  • LordViromLordVirom Member Posts: 26

    LordVirom said:

    Please calm down and take it easy. You will live longer and happier that way.
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are P2P: Don't put money in anymore
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are F2P: Don't put your units in the offer(s) that you feel are bad

    In the end, it is just a game. And if it is not just a game for you and you don't like the way things are going: Maybe it is not -the- game for you.

    It's -the- game for us and that's why we are angry and still playing after so many years.

    People wasted real money and units for false advertising crystals. Ofc everyone is mad, as they should be.
    Wait, where was the false advertising?
    I didn't notice because I just opened a bunch without reading them.

    In the last livestream. They get into some worth noticing stuff about the crystals and the event in general
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,574 ★★★★★
    LordVirom said:

    LordVirom said:

    Please calm down and take it easy. You will live longer and happier that way.
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are P2P: Don't put money in anymore
    If you feel you got/get screwed when you are F2P: Don't put your units in the offer(s) that you feel are bad

    In the end, it is just a game. And if it is not just a game for you and you don't like the way things are going: Maybe it is not -the- game for you.

    It's -the- game for us and that's why we are angry and still playing after so many years.

    People wasted real money and units for false advertising crystals. Ofc everyone is mad, as they should be.
    Wait, where was the false advertising?
    I didn't notice because I just opened a bunch without reading them.

    In the last livestream. They get into some worth noticing stuff about the crystals and the event in general
    I watched said livestream, ans I know they said "about 50% filler" but still don't understand what anybody is talking about false advertising?
    The crystals were definitely 50% filler, lol
    The drop rates are absolutely garbage for anything of real value, though.
  • Henk647384648Henk647384648 Member Posts: 15
    PT_99 said:

    Bruh even your name gives away that you're either an intern or burner account

    If you really want to know: When I started playing the game, back in 2018, after trying out six names or something like that and finding out they were all already taken, I got bored and just put Henk plus a random string of numbers. Never felt the need to change it on the forum after I changed it to MayanSaiyan I game.

    But kudos for the "he is one of them"-conspiracy
  • Lost____oneLost____one Member Posts: 26
    The filler should not have been all the same stuff. Overflow rankup materials that will expire do not have the same value as rank up matetial that can be used. High level revives and health pots, generous sig selector packages for lower star level could have been "fillers". Large 4 and 5 star shards ( as source of future iso/gold) bundles. All could have been non game breaking fillers.

    It seems we are buying a nerfed 300 unit version of daily reward.

    The ultra low drop rates on the good items reinforce the regret of the purchase.
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