Stop crying about the banquet event



  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    I get it, Paragon and Valiant are p*ssed. Sorry the event is not going to plan for you. But, as ravenless says, you aren't the only ones playing the game. For TB, the event really isn't bad. As result of my 15k unit spend I have 9 more 7*, and a ton more resources than I could have gotten from the Hunter's Market event to be able to rank a few 7*r2 and a lot of 6*r5.

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting
  • ofcOliofcOli Member Posts: 10
    Ravenless said:

    Ooooo my gooood i am tired of seeing people crying about those supirior banquet crystals especially some of the content creators, i dont care what they think. Those crystals are TB+ progression just becouse you cry babyes rush thrue stuff and have lets say 10,15,20+ r3 7stars not everyone does. This game is not just for you ppl with lower progression may need things like t5cc so i dont care if you dont.
    And yes i am valiant, i do have r3 7stars and no i do not care if i pull t5cc becouse i can just use those to r2 some other 7star that i usually probably will not, i did pull 7star shards and titan shards and quate a bit of them, i did pull t5ccs, i did pull t6cc cats, i did pull t6b, i did pull t3a, i did pull t4a and i am happy with those especially when i consider that those crystals are for THRONEBREAKER and above.

    So basically stop it with the crying especially you the content creators that think this game and everything in it should revoulve around you.

    Okay so i’m also Valliant, i would say low with 10 r3, i collected Units the whole year and popped 100 sbc, i’’ve got 5k Titan Shards and one selector out of it and you say there is nothing to complain abou it?
    Thats a 1000$ worth of units and the outcome is not even colse worth it.
    I think its fair to say that the drop rates are ridicculous.
    For a 1000$ worth Units i would have expected at least 2-3 full Titans.

    And by hyping this event for months and then saying the SBC’s are upgraded to TB and up is just bs.
    Fom what they told us in the streams i thougt it wold be a Crystal above TB with better droprates, what would be fair enough.
  • Acapp_hercules890777Acapp_hercules890777 Member Posts: 49
    If u want attention, go to somewhere else
  • EaleoEaleo Member Posts: 18
    Ravenless said:

    Ravenless said:

    Yep just becouse i pulled something i am happy with and you did not it is not my foult
    Why are you happy with this? That’s such a bad ROI for 86 crystals lmao
  • cscale0725_gmailcscale0725_gmail Member Posts: 137
    I know right!! The ones boohooing are the typical ones who whine and complain about EVERYTHING!!! WAHHHH!!!!!
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 281 ★★
    edited December 2024

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Riiiiight... so us TB who are pushing higher to be able to make it to GC in BGs, and to complete Everest content don't count. I guess this is how you felt when you were a TB. You were a self-hating TB or Cav? You were all like, "Man, I'm only TB. I don't deserve to participate in events. Maybe I'll just stay out of it so Paragons don't get pissed!"

    I've contributed 23k point so far. Not terrible for a f2p.
  • bhuv9191bhuv9191 Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Ravenless said:

    Ooooo my gooood i am tired of seeing people crying about those supirior banquet crystals especially some of the content creators, i dont care what they think. Those crystals are TB+ progression just becouse you cry babyes rush thrue stuff and have lets say 10,15,20+ r3 7stars not everyone does. This game is not just for you ppl with lower progression may need things like t5cc so i dont care if you dont.
    And yes i am valiant, i do have r3 7stars and no i do not care if i pull t5cc becouse i can just use those to r2 some other 7star that i usually probably will not, i did pull 7star shards and titan shards and quate a bit of them, i did pull t5ccs, i did pull t6cc cats, i did pull t6b, i did pull t3a, i did pull t4a and i am happy with those especially when i consider that those crystals are for THRONEBREAKER and above.

    So basically stop it with the crying especially you the content creators that think this game and everything in it should revoulve around you.

    Kabam patriot Bots...
  • krystolixkrystolix Member Posts: 118 ★★
    End game valiants shouldn't be with thronebreaker or paragon titled players.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★★

    I get it, Paragon and Valiant are p*ssed. Sorry the event is not going to plan for you. But, as ravenless says, you aren't the only ones playing the game. For TB, the event really isn't bad. As result of my 15k unit spend I have 9 more 7*, and a ton more resources than I could have gotten from the Hunter's Market event to be able to rank a few 7*r2 and a lot of 6*r5.

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Right… because the only voice that matters is a valiant one. Elitism of the highest order. People like you give valiant a bad name.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    What a way to farm disagrees
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,683 ★★★★★
    Thanks Kabam 🥳.... Point
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Riiiiight... so us TB who are pushing higher to be able to make it to GC in BGs, and to complete Everest content don't count. I guess this is how you felt when you were a TB. You were a self-hating TB or Cav? You were all like, "Man, I'm only TB. I don't deserve to participate in events. Maybe I'll just stay out of it so Paragons don't get pissed!"

    I've contributed 23k point so far. Not terrible for a f2p.
    No, your voice does matter my comment is on the fact that you're trying to absolutely discredit , what more than 50% of the community is trying to make a point about. Sure those are great rewards at your level, take them be happy that you got lucky, but they aren't for us and we have every right to ask why are we getting the same rewards as progressions 2 levels below us?? What's the point of progression then?? And asking kabam why kabam can't read the room after 10 years, and then you people come long giving opinions on the matter WHEN YOU AREN'T EVEN THE ONES BEING AFFECTED BY IT!!, So pardon me if my words were too harsh but maybe don't butt into matters that don't directly affect you
    Shamir51 said:

    I get it, Paragon and Valiant are p*ssed. Sorry the event is not going to plan for you. But, as ravenless says, you aren't the only ones playing the game. For TB, the event really isn't bad. As result of my 15k unit spend I have 9 more 7*, and a ton more resources than I could have gotten from the Hunter's Market event to be able to rank a few 7*r2 and a lot of 6*r5.

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Right… because the only voice that matters is a valiant one. Elitism of the highest order. People like you give valiant a bad name.
    Asking kabam why we are always being bundled with lower progression and are constantly the ones getting screwed over for progressing is NOT elitist. We're simply asking for fair rewards for busting our ass.
    The title of valiant holds absolutely ZERO value at this point apart from the dailies. This is not elitism I'm simply tired of being screwed over by kabam
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★★

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Riiiiight... so us TB who are pushing higher to be able to make it to GC in BGs, and to complete Everest content don't count. I guess this is how you felt when you were a TB. You were a self-hating TB or Cav? You were all like, "Man, I'm only TB. I don't deserve to participate in events. Maybe I'll just stay out of it so Paragons don't get pissed!"

    I've contributed 23k point so far. Not terrible for a f2p.
    No, your voice does matter my comment is on the fact that you're trying to absolutely discredit , what more than 50% of the community is trying to make a point about. Sure those are great rewards at your level, take them be happy that you got lucky, but they aren't for us and we have every right to ask why are we getting the same rewards as progressions 2 levels below us?? What's the point of progression then?? And asking kabam why kabam can't read the room after 10 years, and then you people come long giving opinions on the matter WHEN YOU AREN'T EVEN THE ONES BEING AFFECTED BY IT!!, So pardon me if my words were too harsh but maybe don't butt into matters that don't directly affect you
    Shamir51 said:

    I get it, Paragon and Valiant are p*ssed. Sorry the event is not going to plan for you. But, as ravenless says, you aren't the only ones playing the game. For TB, the event really isn't bad. As result of my 15k unit spend I have 9 more 7*, and a ton more resources than I could have gotten from the Hunter's Market event to be able to rank a few 7*r2 and a lot of 6*r5.

    Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think, you are not the people doing the everest content, you're not the ones contributing to the majority of the realm events, you are not the ones that have pushed to be at the highest possible progression level, so zip it. This event was advertised as the Magnum Opus banquet events and it's pretty probably the worst one to date. Maybe you're happy spending a thousand units and getting 1500 7* shards in return, but that's not valiant should be getting

    Right… because the only voice that matters is a valiant one. Elitism of the highest order. People like you give valiant a bad name.
    Asking kabam why we are always being bundled with lower progression and are constantly the ones getting screwed over for progressing is NOT elitist. We're simply asking for fair rewards for busting our ass.
    The title of valiant holds absolutely ZERO value at this point apart from the dailies. This is not elitism I'm simply tired of being screwed over by kabam
    Your exact quote had nothing to do with kabam and asking them why valiants were lumped in with TB. You replied directly to a TB and said “ Can you TBs shut the goddam fudge up?? We don't care what you think”.

    That is most definitely elitist.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★

  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
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