Banquet communication issues

I've seen the response from Kabam to a comment that suggested that the reason the SBCs are the way they are is to stop the whales increasing the gap between them and the rest of the player base.
However, that will happen irrelevant of the rewards system. The problem with the way it is now is that whales can still whale and outspeed the RNG in a sense while reaching the top rank rewards. Whereas, FTP players or even those who do like to spend that are Valiant and paragon are spending 5/10/20k plus units and are being completely shafted.
I myself am paragon and the only thing holding me back from valiant is having 2 r3 7*. Communication lead us to believe that with this event we would see even thronebreakers having these champs but that simply is not the case.
We should have had a grand banquet event fit for a 10 year anniversary that celebrated the community, the creators and kabam themselves for being involved in such an incredible game.
What we have now is a lot of unhappy players and I truly hope Kabam stand up, take account that they missed the mark and at least attempt to rectify it.
However, that will happen irrelevant of the rewards system. The problem with the way it is now is that whales can still whale and outspeed the RNG in a sense while reaching the top rank rewards. Whereas, FTP players or even those who do like to spend that are Valiant and paragon are spending 5/10/20k plus units and are being completely shafted.
I myself am paragon and the only thing holding me back from valiant is having 2 r3 7*. Communication lead us to believe that with this event we would see even thronebreakers having these champs but that simply is not the case.
We should have had a grand banquet event fit for a 10 year anniversary that celebrated the community, the creators and kabam themselves for being involved in such an incredible game.
What we have now is a lot of unhappy players and I truly hope Kabam stand up, take account that they missed the mark and at least attempt to rectify it.