

  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    For the love of Odin please talk to the CCP before making decisions like this!
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★

    Ortoun said:

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Yeah, but when you can get the most common drop from the crystals from the rank up store for 1/3 the unit cost the crystals feel like a rip off.
    Don't buy it then , do the rank up store if it feels better for you , save your units for necro or new content that's coming, that why I don't understand you guys the game keeps going y'all acting like the game is about to end tomorrow.
    To be honest when before the event started I was hoping i wouldn't get medusa so I could save for necro , now I've spent everything and I'll have to farm back to that but I ain't mad cause I know the game keeps going.
    Yes, I'll buy the things I don't want there for fewer units and not get any points for the event. It's an illustration of how badly designed these crystals are, and it shows how dumb they think we are to not notice how badly they are ripping us off. Also for a pseudogambling game they sure don't seem to understand that boring rewards like that make people much less likely to spend, regardless of how good the milestones may be.
  • StatureStature Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    The whole "We made anything good in the crystals very rare and added milestones, because because we don't want a big gap between spenders and non-spenders" is an obvious smokescreen to what the intent behind banquet is, which is draining units at the lowest cost possible.

    Whales will spend for rank rewards irrespective of the content of the crystals, so the only way to get the broader user base to do the same was to set an extremely high unit spend as the only way to get anything useful. I'm still surprised they chose to charge 300 units for what is mostly a 10% T6CC crystal and a 15% chance to get 10% of a 7-star champ.

    Catalyst requirements for rank ups are high enough (4T6CC for an R2) and 7-star shards are easy enough to obtain that the crystals could have been designed with only 50% or full T6CCs and higher shards without impacting the economy. The 30th R2 and 100th 7-star champ was not going to make any difference for most players, but at least people could have had some new champs and fun rank-ups to end the year. The 7-star champion pool is limited enough that there is a good runway for new champs to chase over time. It was a very weird decision to follow 10 free 7-stars with "give us 15K units for what you can get from in-game stores for free".

    This used to be one of my favorite events, at this point I'm not even motivated to get to the milestones even though I have enough units.

  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Ortoun said:

    Ortoun said:

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Yeah, but when you can get the most common drop from the crystals from the rank up store for 1/3 the unit cost the crystals feel like a rip off.
    Don't buy it then , do the rank up store if it feels better for you , save your units for necro or new content that's coming, that why I don't understand you guys the game keeps going y'all acting like the game is about to end tomorrow.
    To be honest when before the event started I was hoping i wouldn't get medusa so I could save for necro , now I've spent everything and I'll have to farm back to that but I ain't mad cause I know the game keeps going.
    Yes, I'll buy the things I don't want there for fewer units and not get any points for the event. It's an illustration of how badly designed these crystals are, and it shows how dumb they think we are to not notice how badly they are ripping us off. Also for a pseudogambling game they sure don't seem to understand that boring rewards like that make people much less likely to spend, regardless of how good the milestones may be.
    I literally can't understand why you guys fell like the banquet event is a demanding event , everyone knew it was coming everyone had the choice to save units for it , and everyone has the choice to buy or not , the main event is the milestones rewards not the stuff in crystals , my point in here is we all have free will and I believe most people are adults that can make decisions by themselves.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 242

    Ortoun said:

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Yeah, but when you can get the most common drop from the crystals from the rank up store for 1/3 the unit cost the crystals feel like a rip off.
    Don't buy it then , do the rank up store if it feels better for you , save your units for necro or new content that's coming, that why I don't understand you guys the game keeps going y'all acting like the game is about to end tomorrow.
    To be honest when before the event started I was hoping i wouldn't get medusa so I could save for necro , now I've spent everything and I'll have to farm back to that but I ain't mad cause I know the game keeps going.
    Just think yourself lucky you are one of the people that hasn't done much in the game and so these crystals seem like gold dust to you,and leave the people that have invested 10 years of hard grind to their valid doesn't feel good be given an event that gives us nothing useful after promising us it was worth grinding hours a day for units and spending hard earned cash on.calling it the grand banquet to celebrate the 10th anniversary made it seem like Kabam were actually letting the players carry on the celebrations with them.10 free champs must have been amazing for people who just turned Valiant,and now with this event kabam has closed the gap between long term players and newly valiant,giving out the resources to rank those 10 champs up.i got a dupe for my vox and a new Gwenpool and Isophyne,2 new champs,yeah,but everyone got them.
    That was OK,but it's not 10 free champions,that was just the bait to get all the thronebreaker and paragon to spend on a last push.
    Cue the new progression for the few that haven't already quit
  • StatureStature Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Steam97 said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Emilia90 said:

    And of course people still complaining.

    It’s a mediocre buff to a bad event
    Only thing that's mediocre is everyone acting like beggars , when kabam gave us tons of good stuff the entire month , people acting like they have no use for the stuff in crystals is like they have more than 100 r3's in their accounts , no one needs rank up materials there's no use for sig stone too I guess their r3's are sign200 too
    Y'all just lame.
    Wake up guys new defender in the market
    Better than be adding up to a bunch of cry babies, that always think they know how to manage a game better than the people that actually work on it .
    Lol this account probably was created today.
    The account being private makes this claim more true.
    This is my account that's linked to my kabam id , and is new , the account I've used to log here is methodman69 so I guess not new at all .
    You're not that guy (the one with sabretooth profile I believe) since I don't remember him defending kabam.
    I don't defend kabam if they really did dumb stuff but that's not the case , if you want I can loggin and say the same thing , this a good event but you guys learned how to get free stuff with the power of crying and now are abusing it .

    Steam97 said:

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    So you're happy that you got scammed by SBC drops, good for you but not everyone is glad to be scammed. I know that milestones have good value and as long as you only spend units to get them you still get something good but it sucks to spend units for something you don't want just to get things from another source. Then I honestly don't really understand this whole idea of the realm event when kabam wants you to stop opening crystals once you got enough points to get all the milestones because they designed the crystals to have bad value
    I'm happy cause o got my 7* Medusa and she's going to r3 and getting duped , I am happy cause I got several 7* champs and the means to rank up those champs . I am not mad got cause i didn't broke the game economy in a few minutes just by opening crystals.
    I don't know how you got several 7 star champs from the crystals when the drop rate for the shards is terrible and I think maybe you get enough resources to r2 a couple of champs with 15k units in crystals. What we're talking about is that the actual crystals have terrible value, but I already told you that the milestones still have good value and can be worth to get, but for them you have to open those trash crystals.
    I opened 10 7-star crystals after opening 20 SBCs. I had saved up 140K 7-star shards, so it was easy. You just have to plan ahead. Now I just open a 10% T6CC crystal and some gold/iso solo crystals, if I want to pretend like banquet is fun - same outcomes as a banquet crystal.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    edited December 2024

    Ortoun said:

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Yeah, but when you can get the most common drop from the crystals from the rank up store for 1/3 the unit cost the crystals feel like a rip off.
    Don't buy it then , do the rank up store if it feels better for you , save your units for necro or new content that's coming, that why I don't understand you guys the game keeps going y'all acting like the game is about to end tomorrow.
    To be honest when before the event started I was hoping i wouldn't get medusa so I could save for necro , now I've spent everything and I'll have to farm back to that but I ain't mad cause I know the game keeps going.
    Just think yourself lucky you are one of the people that hasn't done much in the game and so these crystals seem like gold dust to you,and leave the people that have invested 10 years of hard grind to their valid doesn't feel good be given an event that gives us nothing useful after promising us it was worth grinding hours a day for units and spending hard earned cash on.calling it the grand banquet to celebrate the 10th anniversary made it seem like Kabam were actually letting the players carry on the celebrations with them.10 free champs must have been amazing for people who just turned Valiant,and now with this event kabam has closed the gap between long term players and newly valiant,giving out the resources to rank those 10 champs up.i got a dupe for my vox and a new Gwenpool and Isophyne,2 new champs,yeah,but everyone got them.
    That was OK,but it's not 10 free champions,that was just the bait to get all the thronebreaker and paragon to spend on a last push.
    Cue the new progression for the few that haven't already quit
    Been playing for 8 years and done a lot , who are you to tell if someone done more or less .
    If you think so bad of kabam why are you still playing their game seems to me you hate kabam with a passion, but you're stupid enough to keep them up .
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    edited December 2024

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,789 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    My guess is they can’t buff the rewards where the milestone was already achieved so hopefully they will rectify and buff rewards lower points as an in game mail.

    Nah it’s an attempt to stimulate the spend
    Yeah 3 free 7* to stimulate spend , when they gave us 10 free 7* for just loggin to the game , y'all don't even use you're Brains before y'all start crying.
    As a professional self doxer, I’m sure you have the big brain needed to understand.

    Or if you give it any thought at all why else would they improve milestones the community hasn’t hit yet? They are trying to influence the community members below those minimums to contribute more. That’s it.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂
    Just talking to you with the same level of respect that you've given other users on this thread. 👌
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    My guess is they can’t buff the rewards where the milestone was already achieved so hopefully they will rectify and buff rewards lower points as an in game mail.

    Nah it’s an attempt to stimulate the spend
    Yeah 3 free 7* to stimulate spend , when they gave us 10 free 7* for just loggin to the game , y'all don't even use you're Brains before y'all start crying.
    As a professional self doxer, I’m sure you have the big brain needed to understand.

    Or if you give it any thought at all why else would they improve milestones the community hasn’t hit yet? They are trying to influence the community members below those minimums to contribute more. That’s it.
    We hit half the milestones in the first day brother , this fórum is just the minority of cry babies that kabam have to deal with it, meanwhile there's bunches of players enjoying the event and spending units without any "stimulation" from kabam . But I guess y'all think the same 100 cry babies that don't leave this place is the entire community.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,308 ★★★★★
    My 5k units would never reach there anyways. I don't mind this either.

    2 7* crystals rng will give most players what they don't want. The nexus might come handy for some.
    But I think, there are not many players at that level, who are dropping 15k units, will get something of use from 3 rng crystals.
    Rip you guys. Lol
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    edited December 2024

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂
    Just talking to you with the same level of respect that you've given other users on this thread. 👌
    I know bro the truth hurts, there's nothing else to it than just people crying about an event just cause they got frustrated about the minor part of it , the main event is in the milestones not the crystals, but y'all want the crystals to give better rewards than the 3 sets of milestones. Literal beggars at this point since kabam already gave more stuff.
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother

    My Intuite says that they did this to just get people to spend more Units, as they Understood people won't spend anymore on these Bland Rewards, hence added some 7 Stars in Higher Tiers.
    If they really cared they would have added it with 5k Points Milestone or so
    This is not a Fix! Its a trick to get us to spend more. Don't Fall for it!

    Are they forcing you to buy crystals? Mfs act like everyone in the community is a child that has no control on their actions. If you don't want stuff don't buy it , there's way better rewards than 3 7* crystals in there there's no reason to trick no one .
    Not sure if you've participated in this event yet, but there's a banquet realm event, banquet alliance event, and banquet solo event. In order to get points you have to purchase banquet crystals, so there's a strong coercive force pushing you to buy the crystals to earn points.

    You get 300 points for buying the banquet crystals, 100 points for opening a banquet crystal.

    That's why people are having to buy them, to earn points in the banquet event, but the problem is that the crystals cost 300 units and are worse than the free daily crystal, so it really feels terrible having to buy them to earn the points.

    Hopefully you understand a little better why people are buying them even though they are not worth 300 units - it's a lose-lose situation for the summoner here.
    You're not forced to do anything, there's several players that haven't spent more than enough to get she Hulk , I've used 15k units already didn't got nothing special from SBC's and I am not crying about , I wanted the guaranteed rewards it was never a gamble for me I knew what I wanted and I got it , but you guys create false expectations for the event and now are mad cause is not how you want it to be. Mcoc beggars
    I've tried to help you understand how the event works but you still don't seem to understand, which is frustrating. You seem to be able to construct (albeit very odd) arguments, but can't comprehend how the banquet event mechanics work.
    The event mechanic is working how it should, crashed said it himself, if those crystals had game breaking stuff , whales would have a huge gap between everyone that don't spend as much , it looks like you don't understand how it works.
    Your reply still shows that you don't understand what I said earlier. You think you do - but you really don't.

    It is frustrating that you are battling so hard to inject a viewpoint into this thread when you don't understand what the thread is actually discussing.

    Honestly, at this point your posts just feel like off-topic and spam. Please try better and put some effort into your forum interactions in future.
    stop crying about it that's my viewpoint .
    The point of the thread is they buffed the realm event but as always everyone still crying about , looks like you're kinda lost brother
    Ironically you're crying. "Y'all need to...", "Y'all need to...".
    Go and cry somewhere else where you actually make any sense.

    The thread was about the extra rewards at the higher realm milestones and a question about whether there may be further improvements to the event rewards.
    You didn't talk about any of that, instead you've just attacked every member of forum that has taken time to contribute to this thread.

    You are just wasting both your time and our time with your brainrotted illogical comments.

    At first I thought you just hadn't done the event or understood how it worked, but now it's clear that you're a moron.
    Lol you mad 😭😭😭 I mean y'all mad 😂😂😂
    Just talking to you with the same level of respect that you've given other users on this thread. 👌
    I know bro the truth hurts, there's nothing else to it than just people crying about an event just cause they got frustrated about the minor part of it , the main event is in the milestones not the crystals, but y'all want the crystals to give better rewards than the 3 sets of milestones. Literal beggars at this point since kabam already gave more stuff.
    Yawn. You're literally so boring and desperate. Go touch some grass dummy. 👋
    And you still mad lol
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 281 ★★
    If you are unhappy, it's your own fault, not Kabam's.

    You don't have to do all the content in game, especially if you think it's gonna suck.

    You could have hung back a day or 2 and let other people go first, watched some reaction vids on YT and maybe, just MAYBE decided to not spend $$ or units based on other people's experience. It was your choice to get involved.
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★

    If you are unhappy, it's your own fault, not Kabam's.

    You don't have to do all the content in game, especially if you think it's gonna suck.

    You could have hung back a day or 2 and let other people go first, watched some reaction vids on YT and maybe, just MAYBE decided to not spend $$ or units based on other people's experience. It was your choice to get involved.

    They don't know the meaning of free will brother don't waste your time trying to explain that they could choose not to waste units for the rewards in the banquet , is always kabam trying to scam me, if it doesn't goes how they want.
  • Acloyne1Acloyne1 Member Posts: 11
    So basically they want us to spent more to get to these milestone. NO THANK YOU.
  • EagleSwordEagleSword Member Posts: 34
    Need full Titan + full Titan+ Titan Nexus in top 3 milestone of realm milestone reward..
  • Amanda_CruzeAmanda_Cruze Member Posts: 342 ★★
    I think the reason Kabam did is because they understood no one will spend units or dollars in the game and hence, final milestone at realm will not reached.
    So this is their workaround to add additional rewards and expect us players to spend again
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,782 ★★★★★
    Adding 3 7s isnt buffing the event its a disgrace buffing it would be making the crystals better and making so those that didnt hit them points will now have to spend more for them which isnt really worth, it would of been better if they made it lower points than higher.
  • KLZKLZ Member Posts: 306 ★★★
    They should have given us 20-30 free SBC...
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Istg if they give me 40 free sbc I will tell every hater I encounter to shut the eff up, its not that hard
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,104 ★★★★★
    Guess it's the same for the "Not Whales"
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