What would you want in a banquet and what would you want removed?

hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 624 ★★★★
I know kabam will say they can't just give us everything every banquet because that will ruin the game economy and therefore the game. So what stuff would you remove and what stuff would you want added in your ideal banquet event?

Personally I'd love more champion shards. 7 star shards, titan shards, 7 star nexuses, titan nexuses, maybe a 7 star abyss nexus at a higher milestone, 7 star dual crystals and more champion selectors from limited pools (like the rare drop we got). I want less rankup materials and less gold that we got. I want more than 2 awakening gems. Maybe class gems, or special tag gems. I know we won't get multiple generics.

I don't want this key box thing. I think it wasn't as good as it could've been because it's not a selector and keys are too rare to get every champ. If it is changed to a selector, it'd be worth keeping. The isophyne dupe is nice. The newly added 7* nexus is great.

I would much rather get new champs I could use but can't rank yet, than have a ton of rankup materials that I can't use because all my champs suck and I got nobody new from the event. This game is about collecting champs, not collecting catalysts and this event felt a lot like collecting catalysts I can't use. Also a lot of champs require awakening and high sig, so let us awaken champs more easily during banquet. One time per year.


  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,240 ★★★★
    More shards.

    Take out the ridiculous small amounts of t7b, the +2 seven star sig stones, and the dumb sig stones for the box champs.
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