Serpent is the best champion to be released this year and it’s not even close.

dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 967 ★★★
edited December 2024 in General Discussion
Hello everyone! After all the doom and gloom of the Banquet, I thought I’d introduce a new post to escape the events going on right now, and that’s talking about the best champion to be released this year!

The criteria is as follows:

Do they work offensively and defensively?
Are they viable on class advantage and class disadvantage?
Long form and Short form content?
Impact of the awakened ability?

To start of, Serpent works amazingly as a Defender in War, and Battlegrounds, he is evil and won’t rest until his opponent is down and out, his unavoidable damage and undexable specials, along with that annoying power gain assures you will take damage, we’ve never had someone get people so outraged in years. Offensively, he works just as well, cold snap is a very rare immunity and if you’re opponent is not coldsnap immune, then it’s lights out even faster, regardless of coldnsap, his furies deal big damage.

In class advantage, Serpent ramps up incredibly fast and is a tech destroying machine, avoiding those pesky tech defenders with True Focus, avoiding Miss and Evade.

In class disadvantage, offensively and defensively it makes little different, Serpent annihilates those mystic defenders and attackers, with little counters other than Spiral and Isophyne (Duped) with Spiral requiring some skill to use.

In long form content Serpent crushes, if you have seen videos of serpent you will know he dominates his matchups. Gaining tons of passive fury buffs that very very slowly disappear, and if they are not coldsnap immune? Lights out. In short form content it’s no different, multiple special 1’s, max culforce charges and it’s finished, easy to use and his inexorable can be a big life saver in certain matchups.

Serpents awakened ability gives him a life net called ‘death immunity’ which cannot be nullified, staggered or ability accuracy, along with extra culforce charge bonuses. On defence Serpents awakened ability is massive in BattleGrounds and War, HOWEVER, after experiencing his awakened vs unawakened abilities, I must say his dupe is not worth it unless he is high sig, that is where you are getting the best out of him, as it does not last long enough to make a difference to the matchup. At high sig that power gain is completely evil.

Serpents dual threat abilities, long form and short form abilities makes him the best champion this year. And in my opinion his awakened abilities is completely unneeded unless you are willing to sacrifice resources to make him high sig.

An argument can be made for Bullseye, however if the champion is bleed immune, which is common, he’s pretty finished, and with Mister Sinister being given away for free, he’s certainly slowly falling off.

Let me know who you think is the best champion this year and feel free to have a debate with me or other summoners!


  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★
    Thus year has been finna mid
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    Completely agree.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    I actually find Bullseye much trickier to fight than Serpent. You can still fight Serpent normally and it's really only his awakened ability that's a pain in the beehive to manage. Meanwhile, any fight against Bullseye just stops as soon as he crosses even one bar of power. I find that super annoying.

    I'm not saying that Serpent is easy but he's not as consistently annoying throughout the fight that I find Bullseye to be.

    That being said, I think that Serpent is still the better two-way champion. I think a lot of people still sleep on how good Bullseye can be, even in matches against bleed immune champions (hello, Photon!), but I've been really impressed by what I've seen of Serpent offensively in longer content. I'll definitely bring him along on the Gods/Cul's Worthy Carina whenever I do that one.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    I agree and enjoy using Serpent more and more especially against champions who evade. As a defender I think Enchantress would rank slightly higher as the nastiest defender. So far I don’t recall winning against Enchantress in any arena match.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,649 ★★★★★
    Sunstar19 said:

    I agree and enjoy using Serpent more and more especially against champions who evade. As a defender I think Enchantress would rank slightly higher as the nastiest defender. So far I don’t recall winning against Enchantress in any arena match.

    Nah Enchantress is nukable. Serpent isn’t
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    How do you nuke Enchantress? In the context of arenas when you won’t have the perfect counter available
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