we're a bunch of whiny crybabies



  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,491 ★★★★★
    I agree, the structure sucks. The people that are paid to manage the game should come up with something better / original. Honestly, I feel the same way about the latest Carina’s. I ran the Gods one first and thought, well this isn’t that bad. Now halfway through Mutsnts and my sentiment is, this is a crappy retread of necropolis and the idea of doing it five more times is very unappealing.

    For a platform that’s ten years old, innovation and change is crucial. Kabam needs some new ideas.
  • OldManHopOldManHop Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    Wolf911 said:

    and in general kept the total units required to be around 9k-10k instead of 15k


    I can't even complain, I got some very lucky pulls having spent 11k units at Paragon (7* Jessica, 1.5 titan crystals, r3 mats) but I can't lie, falling short on the milestones and having to spend $ just to finish the solo event stings. I'd rather be buying a unit deal to push myself over the top into bonus milestones for the realm event... not spending an Odin just to get the Isophyne dupe.

    I really should have spent those units on getting valiant instead. Alas, decisions were made and now I have to live with them.

  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,150 ★★★★★
    If you force yourself to accept delusions no matter how bad they sound , you eventually will, and youre living proof of that.
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    I just saw a dude on YT spend read life money 4-5k on 400 crystals and only got 2 7*s worth of shards and one titan… so for us limited to non spenders that are valiant like myself with 10+ r3 7*s (nowhere near the top whales but still high end) who are passionate about the game and feel absolutely shafted on this event, I ruined 16k units and have little to show for it, SEVEN months on arena grinding poof into nothing, worst event in a long long while in my humble opinion.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,186 ★★★★★
    You guys think the drop rates being released at last minute was just coincidence?...
    No need to be a rocket scientist to realize they kept it until last mins cause people would have raged ahead of time.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,491 ★★★★★

    You guys think the drop rates being released at last minute was just coincidence?...
    No need to be a rocket scientist to realize they kept it until last mins cause people would have raged ahead of time.

  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    I must say the amount of whinging about the event is rather amusing. No one forces anyone to participate in the event. If you don’t like it don’t participate.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    Wolf911 said:

    The crystal was advertised as 50% filler (if not mistaken) when in actuality, is like 85-90% filler.

    it would not be as bad as it is if they at least gave

    25% t6cc minimum

    3k 7* shards minimum

    2k titan shards minimum

    and in general kept the total units required to be around 9k-10k instead of 15k
    This is a big part of it. T6CC isn’t necessarily “filler” but 10% of one is a filler drop in the crystal that isn’t worth 300 units. Same with 7* sig stones. They are very useful and desirable but 2 are not worth 300 units. If those drops aren’t considered filler then we are using the term differently.

    I was thinking of those same numbers except I was at 50% of a T6CC as the floor to make it more interesting. You need 8 of one class to get someone to R3. Split that between 6 classes and if you only pull T6CC and had even distribution you’d still need to open 96 crystals to get enough for one new R3 per class.
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 281 ★★
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,222 ★★★★★
    KlLL said:

    as usual, the community throws a temper tantrum because we don't think and kabam made the grave mistake of not spoon feeding us the best strategy.

    the fact is, the banquet is all about the milestones and SBCs are just the cherry on top. you get the milestones then GT FO unless you're a massive whale who is going for top 90.

    they should have just called it the super duper milestone banquet event so the message could finally seep into our thick skulls.

    anyways...happy holidays and happy new year you filthy savages : )

    you must live a hard life, being this gullible and delusional and all.
    you're the type of guy that doesn't read the fine print...or any print.

    irrational anger > reason
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Theshadow said:

    @startropics What you said is absolutely correct. If they called this Super Milestone banquet event then noone would have cared. BUT they said LESS FILLER and AMAZING DROP RATES. Which is completely contradicting what is in the game. So do you now understand what all of this fuzz was about.

    Is it called the SBC banquet event ?
    Stupid argument, stupid point. The crystals are a big part of the event and they suck when they weren’t advertised this way
    Their the smallest part of the event . They just a mean to get the real rewards , kabam already told you guys to be careful when creating false expectations but you guy's don't seem to learn .
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,624 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Genuine question, not at all attempting to be disrespectful, but has there been any issue in the game that you weren’t on Kabam’s side for?

    Just bc always being on one side of things usually means being on that side is more important than being objective, as one side is almost never objectively correct 100% of the time.

    Tbf I don’t even disagree with some of the things in this post. But it’s just too easy to believe that you’re just taking Kabam’s side for the sake of it, rather than from trying to be objective.

    Again, no disrespect intended,

    when the event started i ignored the milestones, popped a bunch of SBCs and was shocked at how awful they were. then i calmed down, looked at the milestones, and slowly felt better.

    we're mad at the way they approached the deal, not the deal itself. there's good value in the milestones and it's a shame more players don't see it or refuse to see it.

    Yea the milestones aren’t terrible, but the crystals are. This would be alright (or at least much better) if Kabam didn’t straight up tell us that the crystals would be significantly better than last year. It would also maybe be alright if this wasn’t the tenth anniversary and the “grand” banquet, but it is.

    When you set the expectations of this event being the best yet and we instead get something completely middle of the road, its understandable why there’s frustration.

    The milestones are like a 7/10, the crystals maybe a 3, which means we have a 5/10 event (and most people would give it a lower rating) for the “grand banquet.” I think these are the main sources of the issue.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★

    This is just false. We were told that the crystals would have less filler, and they don’t. And the main way we interact with the event? You guessed it! Opening crystals!! We were promised something that wasn’t true. That’s why people are upset

    Well it's quite obvious that Kabams version of filler and our version are quite different. It doesn't sound weird to you that the very same rank up materials we all need are considered invaluable and filler by the community?
  • ArocPart2ArocPart2 Member Posts: 28
    Bro thinks Kabam is gonna send him a care package
  • Smoky4ii20Smoky4ii20 Member Posts: 228 ★★
    edited December 2024

    Shamir51 said:

    Renaxqq said:

    SBCs are the main stuff cause they cost units/money.

    So the SBC yield should have been greater than the combined milestone rewards??? 🤯
    No one is saying this. We simply want the crystals to be what was promised to us: Contain. Less. Filler.
    How is materials to rank up 7* considered just filler , do you have more than 100 r3's sig 200 champs already?
    You’re clearly not reading so let me spell it out for you.

    There are more shards available in other parts of the game at a cheaper cost. Meaning that with this lower amount, you are paying more for less materials.

    How is that not filler??

    I'm not paying for the materials in a Garbo crystal that I knew would be Garbo since the start of the year , I paid for the 7* Medusa and for the the gem to dupe and all the materials in the milestones to rank up her , you can buy an infinity of crystals if the rewards would be better than they are right now the game would just die cause everyone would get bored cause there's no need to play anymore since we got everything just opening crystals, I want to keep playing the game and get more stuff not just open crystals and get everything. The way you guys talk make me think there's no need to make more content just do several events to open crystals and we see who's better at opening, cause who cares about playing the game when we can open crystals and get everything in a few minutes .
  • tufo24tufo24 Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2024
    If the crystals had actual good rewards, people would buy a lot more of them and Kabam makes more money. They very well may have cost themselves a hundred thousand dollars or more. I myself was willing to spend around 20k units or so on this event, maybe more at the end if needed but I wasted, I mean spent, around 7k. 13K units is equivalent to around $420 US dollars. If even 250 other players (may be significantly more) choose to not spend that money or those units, that is $100,000 dollar loss right there.
  • RoggamRoggam Member Posts: 176
    I have purchased 11 and got a key… I guess I win?
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Roggam said:

    I have purchased 11 and got a key… I guess I win?

    Depends who you got from that key
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,491 ★★★★★
    Roggam said:

    I have purchased 11 and got a key… I guess I win?

    Not if you get Sentry with your key.
  • MrSanguiniMrSanguini Member Posts: 22

    Renaxqq said:

    Shamir51 said:

    Renaxqq said:

    SBCs are the main stuff cause they cost units/money.

    So the SBC yield should have been greater than the combined milestone rewards??? 🤯
    Milestones are just something guaranteed like if I'm really not gonna pull anything good from SBCs then at least will get something from milestones.
    The main event is the milestones brother the exclusive stuff is in there , the crystals are rng and a way to get the good stuff from 3 sets of milestones.

    There's seven guaranteed 7* 2 awakening gems most valuable resource close to the r4 gem , 6 t4a ishopeny and she Hulk so nine 7* .

    But I guess people want a Garbo crystal to be better than the main event .
    Dawg are you considering the fact that with a 10K unit investment you're only getting 4 7 stars and 1 Guardian?? Deathless She Hulk doesn't count because it's just giving the last piece of something we've already worked for in other content, so it's not like they gave her away for free.

    No AG, not enough resources for a R3, 70 unusable sig stones, only 5k Titan shards (pitiful), and no Isophyne dupe. You mean to tell me these horrendous value rewards for a 10K investment makes sense to you? For the 10th anniversary of this game?

    This, on top of the fact that you're unlikely to get any value out of the crystals at that investment either, not even up to a full 7 star if you're particularly unlucky (like I was), makes this an actual dumpster fire event for anyone who didn't go the distance all the way to the last milestone. Bogus.
  • MrSanguiniMrSanguini Member Posts: 22

    Renaxqq said:

    Shamir51 said:

    Renaxqq said:

    SBCs are the main stuff cause they cost units/money.

    So the SBC yield should have been greater than the combined milestone rewards??? 🤯
    Milestones are just something guaranteed like if I'm really not gonna pull anything good from SBCs then at least will get something from milestones.
    The main event is the milestones brother the exclusive stuff is in there , the crystals are rng and a way to get the good stuff from 3 sets of milestones.

    There's seven guaranteed 7* 2 awakening gems most valuable resource close to the r4 gem , 6 t4a ishopeny and she Hulk so nine 7* .

    But I guess people want a Garbo crystal to be better than the main event .
    Dawg are you considering the fact that with a 10K unit investment you're only getting 4 7 stars and 1 Guardian?? Deathless She Hulk doesn't count because it's just giving the last piece of something we've already worked for in other content, so it's not like they gave her away for free.

    No AG, not enough resources for a R3, 70 unusable sig stones, only 5k Titan shards (pitiful), and no Isophyne dupe. You mean to tell me these horrendous value rewards for a 10K investment makes sense to you? For the 10th anniversary of this game?

    This, on top of the fact that you're unlikely to get any value out of the crystals at that investment either, not even up to a full 7 star if you're particularly unlucky (like I was), makes this an actual dumpster fire event for anyone who didn't go the distance all the way to the last milestone. Bogus.
    Also no Holiday calendar. How??
  • Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 647 ★★★★

    as usual, the community throws a temper tantrum because we don't think and kabam made the grave mistake of not spoon feeding us the best strategy.

    the fact is, the banquet is all about the milestones and SBCs are just the cherry on top. you get the milestones then GT FO unless you're a massive whale who is going for top 90.

    they should have just called it the super duper milestone banquet event so the message could finally seep into our thick skulls.

    anyways...happy holidays and happy new year you filthy savages : )

    me when i get good rng so the event is good
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