Carina’s 10 year challenge

Since Banquet is seeming pretty underwhelming for the units, and I’m currently sitting on ~60 revives in the stash, I was looking to do my first completion run through of Necro. With the champs below, would the 10 year challenge be feasible for my first run? I have a maxed Kate bishop I can make a team around if I should rather go for general completion

level up wiccan
team would be cheeilth vox ironheart wong and wiccan
watch some videos
as for the kate run
it can be done with 30 or so revives if you know what you are doing ( you can do another path with kate after you finish the 10 year challenge )
I would say for you with Wong, Knull, Wiccan, cheelith, and quicksilver, you’ll likely want around 80 revives. I would recommend farming for a little while longer before going in. After all, it’s better to have more when you want it than to have less when you need it.
Wiccan is good for the synergy and for the boss due to reverse controls immunity. You can bring Vox too, Ironheart for the grandmaster and then the extra slot doesnt really matter