Who to take to R3?

Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
Through completing 9.1 and Banquet event milestones, I'll finally have enough T4A to take two 7*'s to rank 3, making me Valiant. However, since I'm probably not going to have enough resources to take any more 7*'s to rank 3 anytime soon, I've been deliberating on which two champions to take up. Below are the champions out of my roster I've narrowed it down to:

I personally love everything about Professor X, Vox is a very cool champion, and Kushala and Chavez are both very good. I put Prowler, Adam Warlock, Black Panther CW, and Isophyne in a separate tier because I know that they're good, but I'm not sure HOW good they are or whether or not they're worth investing in.

I should also clarify that none of these champions are awakened


  • SpiderVerseSpiderVerse Member Posts: 409 ★★
    I will go with Kushala. Chavez is good but Kushala just too good. Everything seems easy for her to tackle. And, easy to use
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,428 ★★★★★
    Chavez for sure. Kushala is amazing but I have done more hard fights with Chavez. Can’t go wrong with those two, either way.

    If you can play him well, PX is an exceptional choice. Crazy utility and will hit hard as hell at r3.

    IMO, the only two who don’t belong in your list at BPCW and Vox.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 741 ★★★★
    Simply put, go with Chavez and Titania OR cheeilth
    Chavez should go to rank 3 undoubtedly

    I didn't say Kushala because unless you're WHALE WHALE and have lots of sig stones, then your 6* r5 Kushala will benefit you more than the 7* unduped. I have both and the 7* still hasn't received a single iso from (she definitely will when I feel I need her). I prefer the 6* because it's more easier to keep up the blessings so I didn't bother going for the unduped version as I don't enjoy a rushed out Playstyle and prefer a smoother more controllable fight.

    As for Titania she's awesome and cheeilth doesn't look flashy but the amount of content she is useful for is absolutely MINDBLOWING she can do so much for you in future end game content such as AW showcase and gauntlets and she's LITERALLY SO GOOD IN WAR and hazard shift nodes. It's okay is she isn't your cup of tea tho a r2 will still do a lot for you.

    Bishop won't do much for you as an attacker I'm sorry
    And don't even think about doing anything for prowler if he's unduped. You will be DISAPPOINTED (I know I was/am).

    Anyways all these champs I spoke of, I have them ranked so I know first hand what I'm talking about.

    You also seem to really love Prof x, he's by no means a bad champion so rank up who you know you will enjoy, if you see that in Prof x then there should be no second thoughts. Go for it
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,465 ★★★★
    Rank up the champ you already love and know how to use.
    What's the point of ranking up someone you don't know how to use or whether you like their gameplay?
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I just beat 9.1 so I got all of the T4A I needed for two R3 7*’s.

    I ended up going with Professor X and Chavez. Although I personally like Kushala more, I decided that Chavez would benefit more from the R3 than Kushala would. I’ll still take Kushala to R2 with the Glorious Games gem I have.

    I’m very glad to finally be Valiant! Managed to get it done right before the Christmas gift too
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