What's the point of progression if Valiants are goin to be lumped in with lower progression levels?



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,141 ★★★★★

    Realm event slowing down as expected... Yay horrible Banquet and Realm event. Waiting on Stark foundation to save the day and pretend everything is great

    There's still alot of days left and we're just about to hit the awakening gem for glorious guardian reworks. We'll be fine.
  • DannyBDannyB Member Posts: 114
    Nah I’m holding a lot of units until the end to see what comes up with any other avenues to get points/SBC and got a bunch of farming to do after Xmas. I hit the ally requirement to not hold anyone else back in the milestones and then stopped spending, for now

    I’m also not opening any 7* crystals etc until the end to make the best nexus decisions and it’ll give a better feel for value from the units spent.

    Surely I’m not the only one…
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Id agree more if we actually had to "bust our a.." to get valiant. The title is easy to obtain.

    Sounds like you just go the title recently since they have been giving r3s like candy in summer & cyber wkd sales, and most recent sotry chapters, instead of a year ago like many including myself who had it within the first month, when exploring necropolis or necropolis completion + whaling out on cyber wkd were the only way.

    It is only easy now because they opened the tap.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Id agree more if we actually had to "bust our a.." to get valiant. The title is easy to obtain.

    Sounds like you just go the title recently since they have been giving r3s like candy in summer & cyber wkd sales, and most recent sotry chapters, instead of a year ago like many including myself who had it within the first month, when exploring necropolis or necropolis completion + whaling out on cyber wkd were the only way.

    It is only easy now because they opened the tap.
    The newer Valiants don't see the problem
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    "it's valuable because it was hard when I got it" is the most braindead statement ever made on any free speech platform
  • JhennyJhenny Member Posts: 96 ★★

    Id agree more if we actually had to "bust our a.." to get valiant. The title is easy to obtain.

    You must be a new Valiant? Nevermind.

    It doesn't even matter because our experiences are different and are subjective. Maybe it was easy for you, and you didn't have to bust your ass to get it, but myself and others did, so don't try to minimize the everest content we've climbed. I've been Valiant for a year. And just because the title is NOW easy to obtain, does not mean it was always that way.
    Same logic applies backwards, just because it was really difficult back then doesn't mean it is like that now as well and i feel like that's something a lot of people don't understand, which is weird especially for long time players like you (i have been playing for 7 years btw). I have experienced the whole thing, titles get introduced. They are really really difficult to achieve at first. Then they get a lot easier to achieve. It shouldn't be a surprise. If you want extra entitlement then probably wait for the next title, titles always have more value when they are new.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    Grinchhh said:

    Id agree more if we actually had to "bust our a.." to get valiant. The title is easy to obtain.

    You must be a new Valiant? Nevermind.

    It doesn't even matter because our experiences are different and are subjective. Maybe it was easy for you, and you didn't have to bust your ass to get it, but myself and others did, so don't try to minimize the everest content we've climbed. I've been Valiant for a year. And just because the title is NOW easy to obtain, does not mean it was always that way.
    Same logic applies backwards, just because it was really difficult back then doesn't mean it is like that now as well and i feel like that's something a lot of people don't understand, which is weird especially for long time players like you (i have been playing for 7 years btw). I have experienced the whole thing, titles get introduced. They are really really difficult to achieve at first. Then they get a lot easier to achieve. It shouldn't be a surprise. If you want extra entitlement then probably wait for the next title, titles always have more value when they are new.
    We're not moving backwards
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    ege999men said:

    "it's valuable because it was hard when I got it" is the most braindead statement ever made on any free speech platform

    I think you're on the wrong post 😂
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    Yeah, I'm still bitter about crashes comment on thronebreakers getting R3s, I've seen hardly any T4A from any openings, so was pretty much speaking bs
    There's loads of R2 materials, slither of t6cc here and there however.. not enough for there to be "plenty of R3s"
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    Yeah, I'm still bitter about crashes comment on thronebreakers getting R3s, I've seen hardly any T4A from any openings, so was pretty much speaking bs
    There's loads of R2 materials, slither of t6cc here and there however.. not enough for there to be "plenty of R3s"

    Agreed. And it would have been just fine if they had shown Valiants the same respect and appreciation. "There's going to be a lot of Valiants with r4's" would have made this event so much better and fair.

    Kabam already made it easy for TBs to to even get that title and rank by bypassing Act 6.4 and just ranking 5 6*'s to r4, now they want to give TB's r3 7*'s that they don't deserve, and give us the middle finger. Smh.
  • Riz1Riz1 Member Posts: 20

    Kabam already made it easy for TBs to to even get that title and rank by bypassing Act 6.4 and just ranking 5 6*'s to r4, now they want to give TB's r3 7*'s that they don't deserve, and give us the middle finger. Smh.

    In a nutshell this is Kabam's business model, its P2W. In an industry where there are plenty of other games that can take away player's attention, they need a 'catch-up' mechanism to incentivise newer players to invest time and money into the game. If newer players feel like there is no point, they will stop playing and kabam ultimately loses in retaining a potential spending player. At higher progression titles players feel more ownership and invested, thus be more willing to spend. The player base needs to grow for the game to continue down the years.

    Some players do take the normal route (e.g complete acts) to get progression titles and some spend their way up by way of ranking. Thats just how it is.

    As a newer player, i dont even agree with how kabam groups progression titles. But it could very well be a business decision and kabam needs to balance growing the player base with retaining the current player base..

  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 215 ★★★

    Yeah, I'm still bitter about crashes comment on thronebreakers getting R3s, I've seen hardly any T4A from any openings, so was pretty much speaking bs
    There's loads of R2 materials, slither of t6cc here and there however.. not enough for there to be "plenty of R3s"

    Agreed. And it would have been just fine if they had shown Valiants the same respect and appreciation. "There's going to be a lot of Valiants with r4's" would have made this event so much better and fair.

    Kabam already made it easy for TBs to to even get that title and rank by bypassing Act 6.4 and just ranking 5 6*'s to r4, now they want to give TB's r3 7*'s that they don't deserve, and give us the middle finger. Smh.
    Mate it wouldn't have been bad if out of 70 crystals ide see any R3 materials, my son's f2p new valiant account pulled 2 full T4A today from 4 crystals he picked up via accolades, you can't make that **** up lol
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★

    Just fyi, I don't ignore everyone with expressed disagreement. I couldn't care less if you disagreed. I welcome different, respectful viewpoints. And there are times when the disagrees are actually funny. In this case, SMDAM had been on some of my earlier posts, and thought they were places for them to be rude, toxic, troll, and throw insults. That's where the ignore began. Seems like this Wubbie person did not grasp that, and just had a problem with me putting that troll SMDAM on ignore. Plus, looking at his recent comments, something is seriously wrong and immature with SMDAM. 🤷🏽

    Anyway Wubbie is getting ignored too, since they want to focus more on me and my actions against toxic behavior, and less on the actual offender.

    Anyway so what if I ignore somebody? Why are they so triggered by it? 😂💀

    Sorry everyone. I am so late to respond to this because I've been so despondent over getting publicly ignored. Thanks, @Terminatrix for proving my point.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Id agree more if we actually had to "bust our a.." to get valiant. The title is easy to obtain.

    Sounds like you just go the title recently since they have been giving r3s like candy in summer & cyber wkd sales, and most recent sotry chapters, instead of a year ago like many including myself who had it within the first month, when exploring necropolis or necropolis completion + whaling out on cyber wkd were the only way.

    It is only easy now because they opened the tap.
    Maybe they should give different rewards to the real Valiants than the people who got it after they made it so easy.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    It's always hilarious when u c such lopsided voting and support and kabam could care less 🤣
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    The amount of entitlement in these threads is ridiculous.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited December 2024

    ege999men said:

    "it's valuable because it was hard when I got it" is the most braindead statement ever made on any free speech platform

    It should be more valuable than some guy who has barely beat the GM.
    This is a video game, not a job where you’d feel slighted over the new hire getting the same raise as you.

    First, supposedly, you derived some measure of enjoyment from beating the GM some years ago. Additionally, you also enjoyed the rewards that were obtained from beating the GM, and then using those same rewards to grow your account from then until now. Theoretically, you have your sense of accomplishment (clearly, since this post is pointing out what they went through to get the Valiant title), which is kind of a point of the game.

    Second, what does it matter if a TB buys their way to obtain the Valiant title? That is money that goes to Kabam to help keep a game that you enjoy, continue to run (every year there are post worried that the game will shut down soon). Additionally, the game is largely PVE so it doesn’t matter if there are 100 Valiants or 1000 Valiants. And for the PVP aspect of things, theoretically your skill/experience will let you keep beating the novices (unless they spend so much that they have all the great champions at r3/r4, in which case you were never gonna compete with them regardless).

    Yes, could Valiants have gotten better rewards? Yes. But deserve? No.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★

    Yeah, I'm still bitter about crashes comment on thronebreakers getting R3s, I've seen hardly any T4A from any openings, so was pretty much speaking bs
    There's loads of R2 materials, slither of t6cc here and there however.. not enough for there to be "plenty of R3s"

    Agreed. And it would have been just fine if they had shown Valiants the same respect and appreciation. "There's going to be a lot of Valiants with r4's" would have made this event so much better and fair.

    Kabam already made it easy for TBs to to even get that title and rank by bypassing Act 6.4 and just ranking 5 6*'s to r4, now they want to give TB's r3 7*'s that they don't deserve, and give us the middle finger. Smh.
    Mate it wouldn't have been bad if out of 70 crystals ide see any R3 materials, my son's f2p new valiant account pulled 2 full T4A today from 4 crystals he picked up via accolades, you can't make that **** up lol
    That's wild 😂
  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    I don't think theres anyone who really cares that tbs are happy, it's more the fact that in the lives they said thronebreakers wil be getting loads of R3s, meaning they'll be getting valiant level rewards or T4A, when in fact, it's not that, it's valiants getting thronebreaker rewards, no one cares if thronebreakers are happy, I personally are glad they are and hope everyone the best.. point is valiants got loads of stuff already expiring.. why should I spend 300 units on less than I get from the super daily event.. A ton less from these crystals TBF than the super daily. No one's entitled, no one's ranting on thronebreakers themselves, it's valiants being left with next to nothing worthy from these crystals
  • DicedicedicediceDicedicedicedice Member Posts: 144 ★★
    This game currently puts disproportionate weightage on new/ early stage and end game whales. Everyone else in between these two ends is being taken for granted. Progression levels mean nothing. Grinding gives insignificant rewards compared to what u can buy for a few hundred bucks.
    I understand the logic, mcoc being a 10 year old game, but it doesn’t make it fair.
  • HBofShotsHBofShots Member Posts: 98
    @ the OP. Boo-hoo, you’ll get over it. Every reward in this game is tier based, despite the same effort and spend being put in to achieve it. This is the ONE event in the year where the playing field is levelled and you’re crying about it? You have the same chance to grind for units as everyone else, the same opportunity to buy units if you choose to - your choice to take part in the event or not, put up a big score to rank, or not. So Paragon and TB are lumped in with Valiant for a change, its not a big deal, unless you make it one.
  • Guest120193746239Guest120193746239 Member Posts: 280 ★★
    I'm still confused on who "Grinded their Assets off"? Valiant is just as easy as the other titles to get.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★

    I don't think theres anyone who really cares that tbs are happy, it's more the fact that in the lives they said thronebreakers wil be getting loads of R3s, meaning they'll be getting valiant level rewards or T4A, when in fact, it's not that, it's valiants getting thronebreaker rewards, no one cares if thronebreakers are happy, I personally are glad they are and hope everyone the best.. point is valiants got loads of stuff already expiring.. why should I spend 300 units on less than I get from the super daily event.. A ton less from these crystals TBF than the super daily. No one's entitled, no one's ranting on thronebreakers themselves, it's valiants being left with next to nothing worthy from these crystals

    Yes! ALL of this!!
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,640 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    I'm still confused on who "Grinded their Assets off"? Valiant is just as easy as the other titles to get.

    If you're genuinely confused, then I'll explain it to you. Getting Valiant is easy NOW. When the title was first released nearly a year ago, it was no "easy" task. Myself and others had to do Necropolis and Act 8.4 to get get our rank 3 mats to get the title. We had to put in work.

    Before we could even do that, we had to grind for revives and health potions before the revive farm was nerfed. Necro was more difficult for those who didn't have the ideal champs. Keep in mind too, that easy is subjective and may not mean the same for everyone. Getting the title was easy-ish for some, but more difficult for others.

    If TB's are getting enough strong resources to get them an insane amount of r3's for their accounts, then Valiants should have gotten the same respect with enough resources for at least 3 r4's.

    We deserve to continue to get the highest rewards from having the Valiant title. But instead, we got the lesser rewards and pretty much was left out in the cold.
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