Hi, need some advice for rankups

Days before banquet i turned Valiant, dont know who give my account such grace, but i've managed to get very good pools by the milestones and sbc, i have nearly 6 t4a so i can do two new r3's, who you think i should prioritize? i have already an r3 onslaught, silk and shathra, so my goal is to have an r3 for each class, who do you think deserves r3?
sorry for the bad english, im improving it slowly but im a bit rusty rn 😂
Didnt post last image, so here you have it, i have a r6 6* max sig sinister so im not taking him up for now
I don’t know if I’d take anyone to R3 without playing with them for a while to make sure I really like using them. I’ve got a few sitting at R2 that I don’t think I’ll ever get to R3 after using them more. R3 for me is about usability and how much I like using them. There’s nothing in game an R2 can’t do so there’s no “need” to R3 the top meta champs unless you’re super competitive in BG.