R3 is quite subjective as folks have different opinions on such things so in the ideal world, aiming for champions you find fun or useful is what you should go with but in terms of providing a second opinion, you've got some solid choices here, personally I'd suggest the following: Onslaught, Chavez, Beta Ray Bill.As I said, you've got quite a good selection to choose from, so I'd say go with whatever champion you find the most enjoyable to play as or who could be defensive adversities for other summoners
R3 is quite subjective as folks have different opinions on such things so in the ideal world, aiming for champions you find fun or useful is what you should go with but in terms of providing a second opinion, you've got some solid choices here, personally I'd suggest the following: Onslaught, Chavez, Beta Ray Bill.As I said, you've got quite a good selection to choose from, so I'd say go with whatever champion you find the most enjoyable to play as or who could be defensive adversities for other summoners
Onslaught and chavez are r3 already. Is betra ray really worth it?