Have realm events lost their focus?

In the initial crystal cleanse event the idea was achieve a minimum point score for the event (which was easily achievable for the community at large) then this would then qualify you to claim rewards from every milestone the community reached an an whole. Now in the banquet realm event it seems the idea is to have a minimum score at every single milestone so you must keep spending to keep claiming them which as someone else already pointed out in another thread kinda makes it more a solo event. I thought the idea was to help the whole community progress from the efforts of all players?
Would it not be better to return to this initial idea, a minimum contribution for community based events to qualify for all milestones reached and have the milestone rewards specific to progression levels as already done in other events?
I think the realm rewards should be a nice bonus for everyone at their specific level but not the ultimate reward objective, for me the best rewards should be in the solo events so those people putting more in will benefit from solo rewards for their personal effort whilst still helping the community at large.
Would it not be better to return to this initial idea, a minimum contribution for community based events to qualify for all milestones reached and have the milestone rewards specific to progression levels as already done in other events?
I think the realm rewards should be a nice bonus for everyone at their specific level but not the ultimate reward objective, for me the best rewards should be in the solo events so those people putting more in will benefit from solo rewards for their personal effort whilst still helping the community at large.
By having a community wide score to look at, it offers the illusion of a team effort, when in reality it’s just a solo event masquerading as such.
We know that we need to meet solo minimum scores and can predict that Stark foundation will come in last minute to pick up the slack, so when you really think about it, it’s not about the communities efforts at all, that’s just what Kabam want us to think.
If you think you can decide to NOT contribute by spending low units then that's not how contribution works unfortunately 😢
You must contribute equally to get rewards,
That's all
It's a not a community event. It's just sugar-coated that way.
Unfortunately Kascam set the minimum points way too high compared to the previous.
So it became a solo event. Not a community.
I get the banquet event is about spending units/cash to an extent but having a Realm Event for the community focused on spending during the big holiday/10 Year celebration feels wrong. I don’t think I’d be as bothered by a Realm Spend Event during cyber weekend or July 4 deals but doing it during this time of year and setting the bar as high as they did was a poor choice.
Should the whales get more rewards than people who spend less? Yes absolutely.
But should the bar be wayyy lower? Yes.
Silly concept tbh
The best suggestion I could come up with is drastically increase the community points needed but lower the individual contribution requirement.
It was also gatekeeped by progression through access to the necropolis. This allowed Kabam to carefully select meaningful but not game breaking extras to include in the event for certain progression levels.
Neither of these things are true anymore, instead the realm events now take from the endgame reward budget AND are tuned to manipulate people into individually pushing for more. There’s even a title for it to manipulate us.
This is 3strikes, and continued lack of adjustment to the feedback offered. The BGs realm event hurt that mode, the crystal opening made smaller accounts into beggars hoping larger accounts would light resources on fire for a loss, and the Banquet event ruined the SBCs.
Kabam would be better off taking the resources spent on creating these events and doing something else with them. Something that helps the game instead of hurts it. Maybe make a new relic or something. I dunno but I no longer trust them to implement a realm event that creates positivity about the game.
They really need to give this idea the Ole Yeller treatment, because the idea has gone rabid
IMHO Realm events should not have better milestones than solo or alliance milestones. It should just be nice bonuses.
i would be down for a realm event like necro one but for the deathless thanos quest
it would even generate them money where people get units to buy 7* deathless pieces they missed
They need to take into account the lower players dropping off at the higher rewards with lower point totals to achieve the rewards. That way the end game players don't have to spend more just to reach the goals that they've unlocked personally.
They honestly heard nothing. They don’t listen or don’t care. They don’t value the effort it takes for FTP and low spending players to accumulate the units for this event. Surely they would have modelled what does opening 20 random crystals look like and see in almost every scenario how absolutely awful that opening looks like. Then look at what that gives you in the realm event and see that no, this is not a good event.
Top players and spenders in top alliances will be able to see each others contributions - they'll continue to spend money in order to hit those top Ranked rewards.
It will slow down, for sure - but it is far from over.
Add some fun extras in there for everyone pushing the event… it could even be things like resources that help people running the events like potions and revives
For me, Realm Events should be something everyone can help with and everyone can achieve in the timeframe with enough effort. I’m thinking something like a Mutant Extermination realm event where they look at their data to see how many mutants get defeated in a 2 week period in all game modes, then add XX% to it to set the bar high. Then they can give us a mutant defender only arena and SQ or special quest to help focus the effort. You could get bonus points for using Sentinel/ Nimrod/ OS. Set the participation bar high but not unreachable and make the rewards mutant related (class cats/iso/gems/crystals). And they’d need to make the rewards mostly progression selectors so it makes sense for everyone. That’s the only way a full realm-wide event reward structure can make sense.
A 2 week event like that every other month rotating through all 6 classes would add something to the game. Once you’re through all the classes you can go back to some game mode focused events like the BG event (with less grindy thresholds) and then you can start going by other tags for other events. There are ways to let everyone participate and all reach the top but that means progression selectors for most/all of the rewards.
This was an interesting idea to evolve the Necropolis deaths community event, but it's so poorly implemented, not had any feedback that mattered to the community changed or adjusted and it's the third strike in my opinion.
The only way this could be back again is have it be Progression Based rewards and actually have things that Valiant players want to progress their account forward and actually feel like being Valiant means something.
Because over a year of myself and many others being Valiant and it is not worth it because we are lumped in with Thronebreakers still.
Going to be a VERY hard sell to convince anyone to push for next progression level in the next year when it eventually launches because of how lackluster and underwhelming Valiant has been for 13 months now.
- Mando