i think i used around 50-70 revives / path using aegon. but less than 15 revives with Wong. Aegon is easy to use but not cheap at all.
I did it in 110 revives, because my idea of an Aegon run is sp3ing them and comboing them all the way to their sp3, getting heimdalled and doing the same thing again until I died.
i think i used around 50-70 revives / path using aegon. but less than 15 revives with Wong. Aegon is easy to use but not cheap at all.
I did it in 110 revives, because my idea of an Aegon run is sp3ing them and comboing them all the way to their sp3, getting heimdalled and doing the same thing again until I died.
You're not alone! Haha
I was so pumped for the new carinas challenges because I just aegon smashed my way through all of necropolis. Then I dif the cul/gods challenge and realized exactly why I aegon smashed my way through it.
I just don't have the patience for super long fights. At all. 🤣
i think i used around 50-70 revives / path using aegon. but less than 15 revives with Wong. Aegon is easy to use but not cheap at all.
I did it in 110 revives, because my idea of an Aegon run is sp3ing them and comboing them all the way to their sp3, getting heimdalled and doing the same thing again until I died.
You're not alone! Haha
I was so pumped for the new carinas challenges because I just aegon smashed my way through all of necropolis. Then I dif the cul/gods challenge and realized exactly why I aegon smashed my way through it.
I just don't have the patience for super long fights. At all. 🤣
I did kind of enjoy some of the worthy gods fights though, highlights were vision arkus with abs man and wiccan with Hulk, was great watching those guys melt but there were some absolute battles in there like omega sentinel who kept autoblocking tf outta me because I didn't think to bring herc haha.
I think too much arena fighting with boosts and suicides on has given me brainrot
i think i used around 50-70 revives / path using aegon. but less than 15 revives with Wong. Aegon is easy to use but not cheap at all.
I did it in 110 revives, because my idea of an Aegon run is sp3ing them and comboing them all the way to their sp3, getting heimdalled and doing the same thing again until I died.
You're not alone! Haha
I was so pumped for the new carinas challenges because I just aegon smashed my way through all of necropolis. Then I dif the cul/gods challenge and realized exactly why I aegon smashed my way through it.
I just don't have the patience for super long fights. At all. 🤣
I did kind of enjoy some of the worthy gods fights though, highlights were vision arkus with abs man and wiccan with Hulk, was great watching those guys melt but there were some absolute battles in there like omega sentinel who kept autoblocking tf outta me because I didn't think to bring herc haha.
I think too much arena fighting with boosts and suicides on has given me brainrot
I did have a bit of fun with it as well, absolutely wrecked Air walker with Abs man. Vision ended up turning into a nightmare because he wouldn't throw specials for me so I kept getting wrecked by his sp3.
My r5a serpent ended up barely getting used and I just started revive spamming with my R3 Odin because I was over it and just wanted to get it done rather than taking a break.
And wiccan..... with both r2 hulk and my r5a abs man, I forgot how annoying that fight can be and got wrecked a few times, lol
I don't think they would want a 7* Aegon, even the 6* Aegon messed Necro up for them because he just brute forced through it without too much trouble.
If Aegon wasn't in the game maybe we wouldn't be having to redo Necro with champs that Kabam want us to use.
Aegon was very expensive to use in Necro.
30 - 110 revives per path, maybe averaged out at 60 revives per path. Literally not that bad when farming revives. Was a ton of fun too! Kabam staff have mentioned on streams that they didn't want Aegon to steamroll it.
6 challenges based on necropolis and who will be the best reward? The king of the dead himself.
If Aegon wasn't in the game maybe we wouldn't be having to redo Necro with champs that Kabam want us to use.
My guess is either 9.2 exploration or July deals.
I was so pumped for the new carinas challenges because I just aegon smashed my way through all of necropolis.
Then I dif the cul/gods challenge and realized exactly why I aegon smashed my way through it.
I just don't have the patience for super long fights. At all. 🤣
I think too much arena fighting with boosts and suicides on has given me brainrot
Vision ended up turning into a nightmare because he wouldn't throw specials for me so I kept getting wrecked by his sp3.
My r5a serpent ended up barely getting used and I just started revive spamming with my R3 Odin because I was over it and just wanted to get it done rather than taking a break.
And wiccan..... with both r2 hulk and my r5a abs man, I forgot how annoying that fight can be and got wrecked a few times, lol