What champs are going to help me get to Valiant?

Hey all, hope the holidays are going well. I need advice on rank up options for pushing to Valiant, as I just achieved paragon. I’m mainly looking for options I should take to rank 5, 6 stars or rank 2, 7 stars. However, any other suggestions are more than welcome. I went ahead and posted my whole 6 and 7 star roster. Thanks again guys and have a Merry Christmas!


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,612 ★★★★★
    If you're trying to push Valiant, then your primary focus needs to be at least a couple 7* because you need them at R3. Whatever you need a 6* for in content, they can do what they need to just fine at R4 and don't need to be R5. As far as who to rank up, that depends on what paths you're taking to clear content, and unless you've gotten a bunch of materials to rank champs to where you don't need the content rewards for two R3s, then you're going to be clearing a lot of content. Read the nodes and rank up counters for the nodes if you need them. Act 8 and 9 isn't hard content, but it does stretch the roster more. Push until you get stuck.
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 817 ★★★
    You can definitely push to Valiant with what you have now. I agree with Furrymoosen, go as far as you can with your current roster and once you reach a point where you need to rank someone up for a path/boss, do it then
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    I'm pretty sure you need 2 x Rank 3 7 Star Champs
    So Post your 7 Stars and we might be able to help you with that
  • Tlyer102062006Tlyer102062006 Member Posts: 172

    I'm pretty sure you need 2 x Rank 3 7 Star Champs
    So Post your 7 Stars and we might be able to help you with that

    they’re on there, the pics got mismatched
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