Preparing for Banquet 2025

I observed some common mistakes among players which lead to a bad outcome for banquet which lead to the same complaints on forum being repeated by the same group of players every year

1. Find a good alliance, my alliance reached all the alliance milestones on day 1 of banquet, I only spent 3,650 units to reach 7,400 points, this is after deducting free units from banquet, banquet tickets and free SBC. The value of the rewards from 7,400 points is exceptionally high
2. If you are FTP, den you need to start grinding arenas now for next year banquet if you want to hit all the milestones which is roughly 18,000 units based on this year banquet or choose the budget path and hit all the alliance milestones for 3,650 units. Prepare more units if you want to be more prepared
3. Don't jump right in on day 1 of banquet, I watched youtubers open hundreds and hundreds of SBC before I decide whether to spend my units, I saw that SBC were bad but the overall value from milestones justify opening SBC for points
4. If you are on a budget, focus your units on either cyber offers or banquet. The better rewards in banquet are way up and requires more points which means more units, I skipped cyber and had 18,000 units for banquet and it paid off pretty well


  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    5. There will be changes to banquet every year. It's always better to be over prepared than under prepared. Any units that you saved up that you did not spend in banquet are still going to be there so there's no harm in having more units prepared
    6. If you are spending money, look out for the best offers on the MCOC webstore for banquet, there is no need to rush on day 1, Kabam released better offers on the webstore later than the start of banquet event
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    7. This is just a game, if you don't like what you see den don't buy the offers or crystals. I took my time to look at cyber offers and decided in the end that 7* kraven wasn't the champion I want so I totally skipped cyber. I got no FOMO whatsoever. This is just a game and my units are still there in the top right hand corner
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    8. The power of holding onto your units, the offers are getting better and better, last year 7* rank 3 was just released and the initial offers were much more expensive than today. It's the same with 7* rank 4 materials, those who want it early will have to pay more, if you wait long enough, it will be accessible to you at the price that is more affordable to you
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 640 ★★★
    These are really good pieces of advice. 👍
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,105 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Playing the long game, I’m prepared for 2026 banquet

    And waiting til prob June for nexus in 2025 and whale out on July 4th deals and cyber deals. Then get milestones for 2025 banquet, then repeat till 2025 banquet comes.

    Im sitting close to 54k
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    9. I had 0 units in early August and I had 18,000 units in December
    I did not grind arena heavily for units, I just auto fight the event quest with free energy and got free units while I’m doing something else, if I got time, I play some arena and store some battlechips, I also don’t buy every offer that pops out to save the units
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★
    Brother we not even done with the 2024 Banquet yet…even though it’s pretty much dead
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 859 ★★★

    Brother we not even done with the 2024 Banquet yet…even though it’s pretty much dead

    It's still pretty much alive, the whales are still spending, I'm quite amazed
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