Glitch: something's wrong with viv vision costume

VijayMohanVijayMohan Member Posts: 11 ★
In my previous discussion, I have mentioned the same glitch happened to galan in arena. But now, I'm just seeing the champ info of viv vision and viv vision is in pink 🩷. Please correct this, it's irritating to see them in pink. If they are in another color, I'd be ok but pink? Really? I'll attach the screenshot for your reference


  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    Same for me. Also Galan and White Tiger have a weird look.

    Hopefully this can get patched in the next update.
  • Marty88MphMarty88Mph Member Posts: 54 ★
    Its the same 4 me too; it also happens on Galan and Iron Heart; looks like the negative version of a colour palette,the champs looks horrible in that way
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★
    Also happening with Shuri and not all of the energy beams in her specials show up.
  • polamino13gpolamino13g Member Posts: 3 ★
    The same visual glitch in the arena, mainly when I played: viv vision, galan, iron heart, and terax also too
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