Which mystic champ would you awaken?

I pulled a Mystic gem during Cyber Week. I had been holding it for Isophyne in case she was very good and in case I didn’t pull spiral - wanted the Serpent Counter. However, since she is solid but not outstanding, and since we’re likely to get the dup from the realm event, and since I pulled Spiral from the holiday gift today, I’m now trying to decide who to use it on.
Here are my R2 and R3 Mystic champs:

Lead candidates are The Hood, Spiral, Cow, and Juggs. Right now I’m leaning towards The Hood as I feel like his gets the most benefit from his sig ability. I do have some stones I can put into whoever I end up awakening. That said, since I just pulled Spiral today I don’t know enough about her yet to know if I should be looking at her instead. Cow could be a good option as it improves him from a defense standpoint, but I’ve already learned with my 6* that I don’t want him to ever get to high sig, and I’ve seen enough people say he’s almost better not awakened. Juggs I’d like to get awakened but feel like he and Cow get the least benefit from it. He’s also in the basic pool.
Juggs and Cow are already R3. Only reason Spiral isn’t R3 is that I want to play around with her some before I pull the trigger, and I am also reluctant to R3 her with the special bug. But eventually both she and The Hood are going to be R3 as well - mystic is my favorite class.
So what do you all think?
Here are my R2 and R3 Mystic champs:

Lead candidates are The Hood, Spiral, Cow, and Juggs. Right now I’m leaning towards The Hood as I feel like his gets the most benefit from his sig ability. I do have some stones I can put into whoever I end up awakening. That said, since I just pulled Spiral today I don’t know enough about her yet to know if I should be looking at her instead. Cow could be a good option as it improves him from a defense standpoint, but I’ve already learned with my 6* that I don’t want him to ever get to high sig, and I’ve seen enough people say he’s almost better not awakened. Juggs I’d like to get awakened but feel like he and Cow get the least benefit from it. He’s also in the basic pool.
Juggs and Cow are already R3. Only reason Spiral isn’t R3 is that I want to play around with her some before I pull the trigger, and I am also reluctant to R3 her with the special bug. But eventually both she and The Hood are going to be R3 as well - mystic is my favorite class.
So what do you all think?
Which mystic champ would you awaken? 58 votes
Do you like Hood? Personally I’d awaken and sig him up easily since his power steal allows him to do so much. If you enjoy his play style and feel like it’s worth investing in an attacker over defender, I’d go for him
Since I’m having a tough time deciding I think I’m going to hold off for a few more days. I’ve got about 10k titan crystals so think I’ll do the other three of the shorter Necropolis Carina’s challenges which will get me to 40k and let me open two more. Maybe I’ll get lucky and awaken one of them to make my decision a little easier.
Thanks everyone!
Am probably going to try to knock out the next two short challenges over the next week to see if I can dup another mystic. I’d say Cow is probably now moved to the top of my list given the Hood dup today.
Almost certainly going to be Cow now. Will be opening a Titan on Wednesday and another next weekend, so maybe my luck will continue.