New backgrounds??


  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    Origin story:
    I had 2 cavalier nexus
    I opened 1 all maxed out 3* champs,I chose sentry for the science sigs.
    I touched the 2nd crystal and tried to drag it to the centre but everything disappeared and there was like a white cloud,then without any champion choice or selection my results appeared and I had 2 max sig 3* crystal science,2 t5 iso
    So apparently I chose a science champ twice.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    This is the 3rd really mad glitch this week.the first one was a screen where I couldn't see what was happening. I thought it was my phone settings,I tried turning up the brightness but it did nothing.
    I had been doing a path that I failed on twice before and this time it looked like I would complete it but then this happened,so I kept trying to work out what was the end I cleared caches on all my phone apps.when I had finished I tapped on a discord notification and read that it had been hot fixed.
    Then I realised that as I had been playing that path I was deciding who to use the 35 7* signature stones I had expiring in my stash in an hour or so.instead I got sidetracked by this malfunction and after it was fixed I realised but my sigs had expired.of course kabam wouldn't replace them even if the game had been in darkness,just like they wouldn't replace my revives when the medusa 'do you bleed' boss wouldn't work and they had got me to do more fights and upload them to YouTube.after all that all I got was an apology.
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240

  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    Then yesterday we started raids,and right off the bat I was immediately faced with a giant Hood!
  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240

  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240

  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    This is after restarting the app,
    Can someone sort this please,I'm doing nothing until it's fixed,crystals disappear when you open them.
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