Need help in choosing from 7* Nexus crystal


Hi folks,
Who would you choose from this 7* Nexus Crystal?

Current game progression: Valiant
Story progression: 100% explored.
Necropolis: Have yet to complete.

I would appreciate your thoughts on who to choose and why.

Thank you.

P.S. : I don't have any of these champions even as 6*'s


  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 4,998 ★★★★★
    I chose spiral from mine and took her straight to r3 without testing. Without reading her kit, based of the little I know of her, I went into rol doing roughly 1 minute fights. Choose spiral. My r2 7 star enchantress good on d but terrible on attack. Rintrah is amazing, have him r5asc but spiral defo better
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