I am flooded with champions from the Christmas events and for the first time in my life I am seriously lacking ISO and I feel like I am not the only one
There are daily quests for ISO which you can basically run twice a day if you auto-fight and auto-complete it, not to mention you can buy it in the Glory store
There are daily quests for ISO which you can basically run twice a day if you auto-fight and auto-complete it, not to mention you can buy it in the Glory store
I fail to see why we can’t have a special iso event as well .
This might be one thing I can get behind because somehow with all the iso and cats I got from SBCs somehow I still feel depleted and only did a few rank ups
The Sunday special that is in the unit store on sundays gives a ton of iso if your cav and up. You get to pick 100x tier 6 iso for any class you select.
Do you buy the ISO/gold offer from the Trader's Outpost? It's great for those resources run out. I had my mystic and basic ISO run out as well, but thanks to that offer I got enough basic ISO to rank up my last mystic champion for now.
My main acc is fine on iso and gold but my alt is drained, and daily quests for iso, traders outpost and glory store combined barely gives iso enough to level a r2 7*, and they removed 5* shards from bg store where I was getting a good amount of iso, so either just add t6 basic iso to the bg store or something
I’d love if they could move the iso from glory to a different store, maybe bg.
I still don't know why Kabam treats Glory shop costs to be ascending with every purchase, like tf is that? War loyalty is understandable because it's competitive but Glory cost should be stable.
Can we get an event to trade ISO for something else than gold?
Now I legit have 0 ISO
War loyalty is understandable because it's competitive but Glory cost should be stable.