?Screen Freeze When Loading Into Fight

Is anyone else experiencing this? So far I have been seemingly ignored. It’s been happening in AW and AQ. A few moments ago it happened in arena. The screen freezes on the fight load and eventually you have to just close and reopen the game. Your champ is then dead or 50% health. Arena at least gives you fight recovery.

iPad 12in pro latest iOS [happened under last iOS as well].



  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    The screen flickers very rapidly as well. I have sent videos of it in. So,weird.
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    Yeah, this has been happening for quite some time, yet, I haven't seen any response from Kabam. Happens to me most of the time when starting fights in AQ and AW. Sometimes, happens in Duels and Practice modes as well. The screen will just suddenly freeze at the start of the fight's loading screen and then it will just suddenly flicker. I'm using iPad pro M1, there's so much bug in the game currently.
  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    I have the 12.9-6th gen pro. For me it’s only been during this current event.
  • Zardu_HasseulfraüZardu_Hasseulfraü Member Posts: 61
    Also on iOS iPad Mini latest edition. This happens every time I load into an AQ fight with a science champ and also been happening this season of BGs especially with science champs.
  • bebe9bebe9 Member Posts: 6

    I play on ipad mini (6gen.) ipad ios 18.2
    Game version 48.0.1 (dez. Newest Patch)

    And i have the epilepys flashing on loading screens like old patch from nov. Too
    In AQ map6 section2 left on immo-abomination with iceman or herc
    Last in AW on path 1 defender Doom against spiderham
    Today in AW on Right Minibooses mid-path (Defender now Wong) with Spiderham and Warlock.
    Fight entering, loading screen endless with flashing lights > game must be closed
    Champs HP 50% down, AW bonus gone

    I have tried to write an support ticket, 2times, but the answer is, the ticket is closed, when the bug is still there, take a new ticket, no hopes here..
    edited December 2024
    The game frizzing now in AW and i lost all my fights , I have this issue also in AQ .. I have i clips but I don’t know how i download it for you
  • CovoidCovoid Member Posts: 55
    Same issue here with an iPad Pro. Usually I get the “fight recovered” pop-up, but this morning when starting a battle in aw it freezes up and it treats it like I just lost the fight. This happened twice. VERY FRUSTRATING since I’m not able to buy any revives right now and my alliance suffers for it. Do I need to create a new bug thread for this?
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  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    Just happened again in AQ 12.31.24 at 1007 EST
  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    Can we please look into this? My tickets are closed every time. Just happened again to me on 12.31.24. This screen freeze flicker bug is infecting arena, AQ, AW. So far not in content. I guarantee you I will not be spending another dime until fixed.

    Cut the funding folks until they do.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    Keeps happening to me as well. I’m on an iPad Pro. Screen starts flickering very fast as has been mentioned.
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  • Zardu_HasseulfraüZardu_Hasseulfraü Member Posts: 61

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    Can we please look into this? My tickets are closed every time. Just happened again to me on 12.31.24. This screen freeze flicker bug is infecting arena, AQ, AW. So far not in content. I guarantee you I will not be spending another dime until fixed.

    Cut the funding folks until they do.

    It happens to me daily. I’m here now because it just happened again. I’ll go back to AQ now and find my Titania robbed of half her health because the game fritzed again loading into an AQ fight.

    It’s almost always a science champion (me) vs a mystic.
  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    edited January 4
    Here we go again, first fight of current war gets a kabammed freeze and snatches 50% of my champ’s health I will not be able to proceed in war for the remainder as the system will just kill my champs and loose attack point.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    iOS 18.2, 12.9 pro, 6th gen.
  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
    Thanks for killing me again. Hope this gets addressed soon.
  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96

  • Whatnot72056Whatnot72056 Member Posts: 96
  • TsiftiTsifti Member Posts: 1
    Hey guys, I am also experiencing that old screen "epileptic" prefight flicker on my ipad pro.It was working a few hours ago, but now it happens every fight I start. Whats annoying is that I lose my revives/potions as the match save safety doesnt work. Was there a back-end update to a server, etc which has re-caused this bug?
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    The pre fight flickering happens to me almost every time - AQ, AW, Battleground, Duels and even when I Autofight. This is getting annoying as I usually lose half of my health whenever this happens on AQ and AW. Sometimes, it’s ok but most of the time, it flickers and just hang. I’m also using iPad Pro.
  • Zardu_HasseulfraüZardu_Hasseulfraü Member Posts: 61
    I don’t understand why this keeps happening, we keep talking about it but it’s not getting a reply.
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    The random screen flickering at the start of the fight is still happening even after the latest update.

    Kabam, kindly take a look at this issue seriously as some of us are always losing half of our health in AW and AQ for no reason. This also happens in other fight modes such as Battlegrounds, EQ, Duels and when doing Auto Fights.
    Please fix my juggernaut and champs colors.
  • ItaRMItaRM Member Posts: 15
    dee_jay5 said:

    The random screen flickering at the start of the fight is still happening even after the latest update.

    Kabam, kindly take a look at this issue seriously as some of us are always losing half of our health in AW and AQ for no reason. This also happens in other fight modes such as Battlegrounds, EQ, Duels and when doing Auto Fights.

    I have the same problem with iPad pro and no solution yet!!!!
  • JrasJras Member Posts: 8
    @KabamPinwheel any update on this bug?
  • BigthankyouBigthankyou Member Posts: 2
    The Screen kept flickering during my fight in AW today. It has cost us two deaths in this war so far. I still have more fight I need to participate in. I have a short video of the screen flickering of the fight if it helps.
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    Yeah, the screen flickering bug at the start of the fight still happens, it's not fixed yet. It's been happening since last Nov 2024.
  • TeiTei Member Posts: 69
    You need to do “video screen” before fight and no flickering.
    Video screen = no flickering
  • Zardu_HasseulfraüZardu_Hasseulfraü Member Posts: 61
    Is this going to get acknowledged? I lose 2-3 fights every AW from this and just lost a BG fight. I’m close to throwing in the towel kabam.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    New update has made it terrible for me.

    Aq 1 loading screen stuck and there goes half my health

    Bg 2 times now crash to see my home screen.

    All 3 of these in a 30 min window and my phone is roasting hot.

    Iphone 13 user
  • dee_jay5dee_jay5 Member Posts: 97
    The flickering screen freeze is back! It slightly improved in the last few days but after the update - it's back again. I've been asking Kabam for the past few months to do something about it but they're quite silent about this issue.
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