?Screen Freeze When Loading Into Fight

Is anyone else experiencing this? So far I have been seemingly ignored. It’s been happening in AW and AQ. A few moments ago it happened in arena. The screen freezes on the fight load and eventually you have to just close and reopen the game. Your champ is then dead or 50% health. Arena at least gives you fight recovery.
iPad 12in pro latest iOS [happened under last iOS as well].

iPad 12in pro latest iOS [happened under last iOS as well].

I play on ipad mini (6gen.) ipad ios 18.2
Game version 48.0.1 (dez. Newest Patch)
And i have the epilepys flashing on loading screens like old patch from nov. Too
In AQ map6 section2 left on immo-abomination with iceman or herc
Last in AW on path 1 defender Doom against spiderham
Today in AW on Right Minibooses mid-path (Defender now Wong) with Spiderham and Warlock.
Fight entering, loading screen endless with flashing lights > game must be closed
Champs HP 50% down, AW bonus gone
I have tried to write an support ticket, 2times, but the answer is, the ticket is closed, when the bug is still there, take a new ticket, no hopes here..
Can we please look into this? My tickets are closed every time. Just happened again to me on 12.31.24. This screen freeze flicker bug is infecting arena, AQ, AW. So far not in content. I guarantee you I will not be spending another dime until fixed.
Cut the funding folks until they do.
It’s almost always a science champion (me) vs a mystic.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
iOS 18.2, 12.9 pro, 6th gen.
Kabam, kindly take a look at this issue seriously as some of us are always losing half of our health in AW and AQ for no reason. This also happens in other fight modes such as Battlegrounds, EQ, Duels and when doing Auto Fights.
Video screen = no flickering
Aq 1 loading screen stuck and there goes half my health
Bg 2 times now crash to see my home screen.
All 3 of these in a 30 min window and my phone is roasting hot.
Iphone 13 user