Who should I make horsemen

GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199
I am gonna attempt the mutant challange , my team- onslaught(7r3), prof x(7r2), apocalypse (6*), stryfe (7r2) and mr sinister(7r3).
Who should I make horsemen to be cost effective


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,579 ★★★★★
    You really need only onslaught for that mutant challenge but if you hit a wall, then Mr sinister will help so do him.

    Idk why you taking stryfe or why you have him at r2 but nice.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    I also vote for Mr Sinister, I found he did more work for me.

    Also same question, are you planning for Stryfe to be your main workshorse, if so then just build a team around him.

    If not, you could always take 2 Apo 😉
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199
    PT_99 said:

    You really need only onslaught for that mutant challenge but if you hit a wall, then Mr sinister will help so do him.

    Idk why you taking stryfe or why you have him at r2 but nice.

    Took him to r2 for this alone, he counters the evade. I don't trust my reaction speed enough to just rely on onslaught/sinister
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199
    Fryday said:

    I also vote for Mr Sinister, I found he did more work for me.

    Also same question, are you planning for Stryfe to be your main workshorse, if so then just build a team around him.

    If not, you could always take 2 Apo 😉

    Should I take out prof x then?
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    HI @gypsyfrank ,

    I think it might worth you jump in and test fight Sauron with Mr Sinister, Stryfe and Onslaught and see how you feel.

    Right now I feel like you try cover all the bases, but that also it not fully strong/commited on any

    I would advice either focus Onslaught and Mr Sinister as you main workhorses or Stryfe and then build the team that best support them.

    Oh by the way Pro X can absolutely for these fights too if you good with Pro X and use Mutant Power Back boost.

    Good my friend 😊
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,291 ★★★★★
    Just as a hint, I also brought AA and he did a Ton for me. I would put him in the again.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,725 ★★★★★
    Nah prof x is good. Take out stryfe and use cable for synergy. Make sinister horseman.

    Sauron : sinister (horseman)
    Hm : sinister is better imo.
    Chavez : sinister
    Air Walker : sinister and onslaught both works
    Cap brit : sinister
    Wicxan : onslaught
    Psychoguy : tough one this is, onslaught is your best bet. Alternatively if you have 7* white mags he can put some effort.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,101 ★★★★★
    Would you advise using 6* versions of Onslaught and Sinister, both maxed? As I don't have the 7* ones
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    Would you advise using 6* versions of Onslaught and Sinister, both maxed? As I don't have the 7* ones

    Mr Sinister 6* max with max sig, is actually better than 7* R3 unawaken.

    I can't advice much about Onslaught, but I'm sure someone on the forum can jump in on it
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199

    Nah prof x is good. Take out stryfe and use cable for synergy. Make sinister horseman.

    Sauron : sinister (horseman)
    Hm : sinister is better imo.
    Chavez : sinister
    Air Walker : sinister and onslaught both works
    Cap brit : sinister
    Wicxan : onslaught
    Psychoguy : tough one this is, onslaught is your best bet. Alternatively if you have 7* white mags he can put some effort.

    Ive done a few trial runs on sauron now and I still have one dilemma

    The cable+Mr sinister is actually amazing so if cable,mister sinister, onslaught and apoc are all fixed.

    With stryfe I did like 30% of saurons health(still isn't fully ramped got like 70 persistent charges banked) so he should be doing much more after ramped up

    With prof x of the few runs I did best one brought him to like 40%(i should be able to solo him with boosts and playing well)

    But against chavez I've heard good things about stryfe as he won't take damage reflect from blue dimension and I shouldnt be using prof x aside from the first 2 fights

    After this would you still recommend prof x over stryfe
    (With mr sinister I was doing like minimum 25% max like 40% as a benchmark)
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199
    Fryday said:

    Would you advise using 6* versions of Onslaught and Sinister, both maxed? As I don't have the 7* ones

    Mr Sinister 6* max with max sig, is actually better than 7* R3 unawaken.

    I can't advice much about Onslaught, but I'm sure someone on the forum can jump in on it
    I saw MSD use unduped r3 onslaught nd it did wonders for most fights so I'd say go with 7*
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,725 ★★★★★
    Sinister just does chave fine, I got her down in 2 revives. Stryfe just isn't that guy, you can try him, but he's not really great imo.

    Sinister can block unblockable specials which helped a lot against sauron. Prof x is definitely good for sauron and he can solo hitmonkey if you play him right. Sinister can do chavez fine. You don't really need stryfe for any other fights. Maybe psychoman since others in your team (onslaught, profx, sinister) won't work well against psycho guy but I'm not sure whether stryfe will work or not.

    But cable synergy is absolutely needed if you run sinister as it empowers your entire team.
  • RiryokuRiryoku Member Posts: 141 ★★

    Nah prof x is good. Take out stryfe and use cable for synergy. Make sinister horseman.

    Sauron : sinister (horseman)
    Hm : sinister is better imo.
    Chavez : sinister
    Air Walker : sinister and onslaught both works
    Cap brit : sinister
    Wicxan : onslaught
    Psychoguy : tough one this is, onslaught is your best bet. Alternatively if you have 7* white mags he can put some effort.

    Ive done a few trial runs on sauron now and I still have one dilemma

    The cable+Mr sinister is actually amazing so if cable,mister sinister, onslaught and apoc are all fixed.

    With stryfe I did like 30% of saurons health(still isn't fully ramped got like 70 persistent charges banked) so he should be doing much more after ramped up

    With prof x of the few runs I did best one brought him to like 40%(i should be able to solo him with boosts and playing well)

    But against chavez I've heard good things about stryfe as he won't take damage reflect from blue dimension and I shouldnt be using prof x aside from the first 2 fights

    After this would you still recommend prof x over stryfe
    (With mr sinister I was doing like minimum 25% max like 40% as a benchmark)
    Sinister is the best option for Chavez. With Onslaught and Stryfe, you have to worry about baiting SP1, but with Sinister, it doesn’t matter if you push her to two bars of power. You can block unblockables, so when she fires her SP2 beam, just block the first hit and dex the rest. You’ll lose only a small amount of health, which you can recover with Willpower.

    I completed the challenge with a very similar team: Onslaught (7R3), Sinister (6R5A), Stryfe (7R1), Apoc (6R5), and Wags (6R1). I ramped up Stryfe against Sauron, but honestly, it was pointless—I only used him for that fight, lol. Sinister and Onslaught alone can handle the challenge.
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199
    Riryoku said:

    Nah prof x is good. Take out stryfe and use cable for synergy. Make sinister horseman.

    Sauron : sinister (horseman)
    Hm : sinister is better imo.
    Chavez : sinister
    Air Walker : sinister and onslaught both works
    Cap brit : sinister
    Wicxan : onslaught
    Psychoguy : tough one this is, onslaught is your best bet. Alternatively if you have 7* white mags he can put some effort.

    Ive done a few trial runs on sauron now and I still have one dilemma

    The cable+Mr sinister is actually amazing so if cable,mister sinister, onslaught and apoc are all fixed.

    With stryfe I did like 30% of saurons health(still isn't fully ramped got like 70 persistent charges banked) so he should be doing much more after ramped up

    With prof x of the few runs I did best one brought him to like 40%(i should be able to solo him with boosts and playing well)

    But against chavez I've heard good things about stryfe as he won't take damage reflect from blue dimension and I shouldnt be using prof x aside from the first 2 fights

    After this would you still recommend prof x over stryfe
    (With mr sinister I was doing like minimum 25% max like 40% as a benchmark)
    Sinister is the best option for Chavez. With Onslaught and Stryfe, you have to worry about baiting SP1, but with Sinister, it doesn’t matter if you push her to two bars of power. You can block unblockables, so when she fires her SP2 beam, just block the first hit and dex the rest. You’ll lose only a small amount of health, which you can recover with Willpower.

    I completed the challenge with a very similar team: Onslaught (7R3), Sinister (6R5A), Stryfe (7R1), Apoc (6R5), and Wags (6R1). I ramped up Stryfe against Sauron, but honestly, it was pointless—I only used him for that fight, lol. Sinister and Onslaught alone can handle the challenge.
    Thanks a lot guys, I'll try with prof x then
    If you don't mind can I know how many revives it took, if it's more than 10 imma do crucible along with it to get some revives
  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 397 ★★★
    Stryfe. I used him and was so much fun
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,725 ★★★★★
    I used a team of sinister 7* r3, onslaught 6* r5a, wags 7* r1, cable and apoc 6 stars for synergy.

    It took me 15 revives and a team revive, 6 revives and team revive went solely to psychoman.
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,408 ★★★
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,454 ★★★★★
    I used a combination of Sinister and Onslaught. I don’t think either one really benefits tremendously from the horseman. They are already bleed resistant and the special damage isn’t really their primary source of damage.

    Cable synergy is crucial with Sinister.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,070 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    You really need only onslaught for that mutant challenge but if you hit a wall, then Mr sinister will help so do him.

    Idk why you taking stryfe or why you have him at r2 but nice.

    Stryfe is amazing for this challenge. He literally cancels out the entire node since his medium attacks can't be evaded, which makes everything so much easier.

    OP: my team was Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, Stryfe, White Mags, and Red Mags.

    I used Stryfe for most fights. Some fights where I used another champion in some way or another:

    * I didn't use White Mags himself for Hit-Monkey, but his pre-fight was extremely valuable for that fight.
    * I used both Stryfe and Mr. Sinister for America Chavez. Sinister's ability to block unblockable specials is very valuable, but by that time I had Stryfe fully ramped up so he was putting in a lot of work as well.
    * Air-Walker got Red Mags'd. Despite my Mags only being r4, he did really well on his first try. I think he shaved off maybe 50-60% of Air-Walker's health in one go. Unfortunately AW gets really annoying as he starts winning fights so it got progressively harder from there.
    * Captain Britian: I didn't use mainly Apocalypse for her since he's only r3, but I really wish I had ranked him up for the challenge because he was a lot better at it than I anticipated. Get those debuffs up permanently and she just start melting.
    * Psycho-Man was just a pain in the beehive, regardless of who I fought him with. Stryfe was probably the one who ultimately put in the most hurt on him, but White Mags was also an MVP in there.
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199

    I used a team of sinister 7* r3, onslaught 6* r5a, wags 7* r1, cable and apoc 6 stars for synergy.

    It took me 15 revives and a team revive, 6 revives and team revive went solely to psychoman.

    Just wanted to update
    I ended up taking stryfe instead of prof x(very very glad I took him)

    Stryfe took sauron in 2 revs(and extra to make him horsemen)

    Hitmonkey took 2 revs(messed up with onslaught and took 2 tries with stryfe cuz of his evade in purple mode whatever it's called)

    Chavez used sinister got her to 70% but then stryfe finished her fully (could've very easily soloed but this was cuz of the ai being nice nd throwing sp1s)

    Soloed airwalker with onslaught

    Captain britan took 1 rev- sinister MVP

    Wiccan solo with onslaught

    And psyco man who I hated in the culls worthy and the 10 year challange run
    Stryfe was the MVP nd took him in just 2 revs(thanks to a youtubers rotation of using sp2 then alternating sp1 and sp1)

    Prof x wouldve been better for the first 2 fights but I don't think he wouldve done what stryfe did against chavez and psyco man
  • GhostPoolSpiderGhostPoolSpider Member Posts: 74
    I managed to do a whole path (sauron-grandmaster) with a colossus team. My colossus was R2 sig 20, my team consisted of Colossus, Prof X, Emma, Wags, and Omega Red. Colossus is hella tanky and the synergy gives him hella damage, also i used the gambit relic on him to give him some extra burst damage.
  • GyanemdjerGyanemdjer Member Posts: 199

    I managed to do a whole path (sauron-grandmaster) with a colossus team. My colossus was R2 sig 20, my team consisted of Colossus, Prof X, Emma, Wags, and Omega Red. Colossus is hella tanky and the synergy gives him hella damage, also i used the gambit relic on him to give him some extra burst damage.

    Yep my friend did it with a r3 Colossus and said he was gr8, I was just wanting to save rank up materials
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