So much for this " will break the game economy"

Do kabam has some personal problem with higher progression levels? Specially valiants?
For every event I see posts saying reducing cost of this cost of that will break the game economy.
How about banquet event granting 6 tier 4 alpha( from solo and realm) to the thronebreakers who spend units to reach the milestone.
I am not saying of the 7 stars and even class tier 6 selectors.. but 6 tier 4 alpha for Tb and below who spend units isn't it game breaking? That means 2 r3 which is the requirement of valiant 2 progression higher than tb.
Specially when even for valiants these tier 4 alpha are still kind of endgame content.
Leave tier 4 alpha, kabam finds anything below 52500 bg tokens for a single 7 star for valiants will break the game.
For probably the 1st time in mcoc I think the effort to get to valiant has been total waste, considering how lower progressions can just get things so easily at par with valiants.
Despite thousands of suggestions they Still didn't make seperate brackets for seperate progressions.

Uncollected with r2 in profiles. And I am sure this is not even close to the craziest profiles post banquet. Share if you guys have any.
Everyone having worst banquet - well still can be acceptable
Lower progression having worst banquet - well at least getting to higher progression was worth it
Higher progression having worst banquet and lower progression best-
Something no game wants this to happen specially in their 10th anniversary.
Sorry for this if you find this post unnecessary, but this year's banquet has been the worst for me. Kinda takes the interest in playing mcoc, the game I personally loved a lot, knowing that higher progression has no certain " higher progression only rewards".
For every event I see posts saying reducing cost of this cost of that will break the game economy.
How about banquet event granting 6 tier 4 alpha( from solo and realm) to the thronebreakers who spend units to reach the milestone.
I am not saying of the 7 stars and even class tier 6 selectors.. but 6 tier 4 alpha for Tb and below who spend units isn't it game breaking? That means 2 r3 which is the requirement of valiant 2 progression higher than tb.
Specially when even for valiants these tier 4 alpha are still kind of endgame content.
Leave tier 4 alpha, kabam finds anything below 52500 bg tokens for a single 7 star for valiants will break the game.
For probably the 1st time in mcoc I think the effort to get to valiant has been total waste, considering how lower progressions can just get things so easily at par with valiants.
Despite thousands of suggestions they Still didn't make seperate brackets for seperate progressions.

Uncollected with r2 in profiles. And I am sure this is not even close to the craziest profiles post banquet. Share if you guys have any.
Everyone having worst banquet - well still can be acceptable
Lower progression having worst banquet - well at least getting to higher progression was worth it
Higher progression having worst banquet and lower progression best-
Something no game wants this to happen specially in their 10th anniversary.
Sorry for this if you find this post unnecessary, but this year's banquet has been the worst for me. Kinda takes the interest in playing mcoc, the game I personally loved a lot, knowing that higher progression has no certain " higher progression only rewards".
They need more players & more players need descent pace to get higher - if it was too hard (what it used to be ) people would quit .
So now it's easy - people have just done the challenge & become valiant in less than a month with 8hr+ of grind ,so casual players can do that in 1 year
More new players - more chance to earn money - more % to make money 🤷
the only people getting the first taste of a new rank will have to shell out $40,000+ for one.
you think they're going to make the first r4s so cheap that the rest of us scrub valiants are going to get them?? that would insane, they'd lose 70-80% of the money they'd make from this rank if it was that accessible right from the gate.
You are either playing the $$$/carina game or you are lumped in with everyone else.
This is 1000% the problem with building realm events to have spicy end game rewards. It is game breaking to devalue the early game this much.
and all you had to do all this time was have some units handy and be in the right alliance during banquet. in the end, those that enjoy the chase will chase, those that just want rewards will wait out their opportunities. hey, like IRL.
But yes OP I agree. I’m not sure why there’s an insistence of keeping TB in the mix and not giving valiants their own crystal. Unfortunately that’s always how it’s been. The crystal and rewards have always been general and available to any progression tier to get for every year the banquet/gifting has been active
This game has never had a problem attracting or retaining most of the players who try it, because the game mechanics (even bugged) and characters (with their steady release cadence) are better than many other mobile action games.
You can grind and wait, or you can spend. That's been true as long as the game has been going.
Having the Champs is not a substitute for the gameplay they'll have to go through, and Players having an easier time than we did is just how it works. Ask any of us who saved a year or more to get a 5*.
Things always balance out in the end. There's no use stressing about what other Accounts get.
But.... every year, players like to build up the Banquet, and then get surprised that math suddenly exists.
Every year players expect a Non-progression based event to be Progression based.
Every year, players know going in that the rewards are guaranteed Milestones + RNG crystals. Yet, every year people complain after deciding to spend units and open crystals because players didn't pull items that had <5% chance of occurring.
Every year there are posts complaining about how "Lowest" progression has access to "Higher" progression rewards, and this will cause the game to collapse (and every year it doesn't).
Every year, there are posts complaining about how Banquet devalues their "investment" (and every year it either doesn't or they keep playing as normal).
For a NON-PROGRESSION locked event, this event is pretty good for what it is. Maybe it should be progression locked, but ultimately that is a decision Kabam has avoided for Banquet events.
Side note: For all the Valiants who keep arguing that their *old* Valiant status is worth more than a *new* Valiant who 'buys' their way in ... why? Everything in this game is either time vs money (grinding arena vs buying units; buying offers vs completing everest content; <i class="Italic">buying revives vs grinding for revives), so why is suddenly a Progression title any different?
1. So if every year this happens should kabam not listen and take some steps towards the banquet event? This continuing every year means kabam kept silence every year.
2. This year is different from past years-
There has never been such a mass dissatisfaction about banquet in past not even previous year, if you look at the post in forums, discord, YouTube's etc you will know.Last year was primarily 6 star based whereas this year is 7 star. Till now grouping all tiers was acceptable but where end game rewards like 7 star r3 are there in milestones, there is no way tb and below should be included in that.
3. Time vs money. ( Don't know how many times I saw this comment came up to defend some lame decision)
1 7 star from bg 52500 bg tokens for valiant( how many days)
3 r4 alpha from autumn of agony( how many days?)
Check the alliance war master rewards. Uncollected are getting that in banquet.You think collecting units all year has more value than the effort required to be in master alliance?
Those who spend time focussing on different events seems to get terrible outcomes compared to those low progression spending times collecting units and saving throughout the year to spend at banquet.
Case scenario- Both are f2p, one valiant gets 50k bg tokens every bg season, placed in master tier alliance sees all those rewards are for uc too just they did arena and waited for banquet. How that sounds? If from these you can't understand, then making you understand is beyond my capabilities.
This banquet would not have Been a problem at all if throughout the year every mode of the game was up to date with rewards.
For valiants most of the game mode has terrible below standard rewards-
Battleground, aw, thronebreaker eq etc.
And there comes banquet open for all progression with units where rewards are better than whole years effort with much less units.