Necro Roster

Do you think it would be a good time for my roster to take necro? I don’t have a 6* Wong or Aegon, so I was thinking Chaevez, Kate, Shuri (I can r3 her), and Abs man. Not sure who to do for a 5th but I can also r2 another 7* if needed. I have ~30 revives saved right now and will do more before I start, but no 4-hour crystals.

If you're very good with Kate, then you can do it with your assembled team. But I honestly wouldn't recommend it. That's a little light on resources for a first run.
I would also stock up on way more revives. Maybe 60? I averaged somewhere between 50 and 100 revives per run with Aegon, who admittedly is very revive-thirsty. But I also just completed one of the Carina's objectives and that cost me maybe 20 revives for half a run through Necropolis. So 30 is probably a little light.
That being said, good luck in there. As daunting as it may seem, it's also some of the best content that Kabam has ever released. I've really enjoyed every excursion into the Necropolis that I've done.
Otherwise, I do plan to max on my revives after the next AOA fight, which would hopefully be able to take me a long way.
You need reverse controll immune for GM phase 4 (and phase three, unless you are great at them).
My only concern with Juggs is the ability to lose reverse control immunity with a non-damaging debuff. I have to research the fight, but does the grandmaster not apply any debuffs that could render the reverse control immunity useless?