Error drawing crystals

Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
I thought it was a one off when I duped Enchantress but now the same when I duped serpent.
If the champion disappears from my crystal will kabam replace it?
When the 'do you bleed' medusa boss decided she doesn't bleed for nick fury,they didn't give my revives back.
When their glitch blacked out my game and 35 7* sig stones expired they wouldn't give them back.


  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240

  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240

  • Superdave1966Superdave1966 Member Posts: 240
    Oh and there's one other glitch on the superior banquet crystals.
    It advertised the tier 6 class catalyst fragment,er I mean fragments as a 5% or 15% drop or something
    Didn't you mean 90%??
    That's no exaggeration
    I just opened 34 'superior(to what?)
    crystals and 1 got t6cc frags in 28 of them,2x1500 7*shards(the only amount I got all event),10 sig stones and 2 other crumbs of catalysts.
    I can't believe that after everything this godawful event has taken from us you have actually made the drops of t6cc over 80%.
    Is it just set to auto junk pull for the holidays?happy new year
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