If/when Kabam announces open beta for PC, will you play on PC?

YagaYaga Member Posts: 47
I'm a PC gamer at heart. While I enjoy MCOC, I mostly play it on my iPad because even the largest phone screen is too small to see well IMHO. I'm looking forward to playing MCOC on my computers and I'm a little miffed that Kabam decided to open the beta outside of the US. A better option would have been allow a limited number of people from their entire player base instead of anyone from a select subset but I'm sure they looked at all the options and did what was best for testing.

I hope they announce an open beta on the next live stream, and if they do, will you be playing on PC? Do you think that PC will become your preferred platform?

If/when Kabam announces open beta for PC, will you play on PC? 34 votes

Yes, I'll try it out but I don't think it will become my preferred platform.
GamerAlex13369LordViromMrFullStopKingering_Kingjohnfrederic1DevilsClaw_1991ChancellorGrootJgdahustla1 9 votes
Yes, I'll try it out and I think it will become my preferred platform.
ReyAlemánspiderknight616t123459YagaThe_0wenpusEjjiEmilia90UleyynOldManHoprsmsd 10 votes
No, I don't care about playing MCOC on PC.
SnakeEyes69yossNikmosesBugmat78Fit_Fun9329BeastDadSteam97Yodabolt21Graves_3KlippCloudddey_broSuper_Cretu90Awesomep12DMH525 14 votes
I don't have a PC to play it on or I might try it.
TheHound 1 vote


  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,733 ★★★★★
    edited January 1
    Yes, I'll try it out and I think it will become my preferred platform.
    I’m used to a controller, gonna feel much better for me + bigger screen
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    Yes, I'll try it out and I think it will become my preferred platform.
    I'm sure there will be a learning curve but I feel my reaction time will be much easier on KBM once I figure out the best button layout. I have kinda fat fingers so sometimes I accidentally cover stuff on the screen and walk face first into a special attack.
  • OldManHopOldManHop Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    Yes, I'll try it out and I think it will become my preferred platform.
    100% chance that I'm gonna be playing in bed on my TV with an Xbox controller.
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