Act 5 Ch.4 Champs

While we are waiting for the release, I want to know what everyone is planning to use in their teams for ch 4. I'm personally using 4* sw, sl, rogue, ww2, and 5* drax. I also want opinion on whether Ronan would be a good option? I awakened him with a cosmic gem and feel like he is very much underappreciated, some of the nodes in ch4 seem great for his sig ability.
I like your champ choice out of the gate, especially the underappreciated ronan. any other champs you like to use? As for me, I love to use my 5/50 ronan, 5/50 hulk, very new 4/55 iceman, 5/50 age of ultron vision, and 3/45 magik. I also swap in 5/50 drax when bleed is more permissible an option. from there, it drops into 4/40 and 2/35 territory so not much use outside of some rare matchups (4/40 SL for stupid long fights)
I'm pretty limited in my options, my only r5 four star aside from the ones mentioned is crossbones (who I love using but kind of regret r5). However I really enjoy using Beast for his play style, aou Vision for intercepting, and angela. I've also recently acquired a magik and have to decide between her and dormammu to r5
- When struck with an Energy or Physical Attack, activate a corresponding Resistance Buff increasing respective Resistance by 20%. When an Energy Resistance Buff is activated, remove a Physical Resistance Buff, and vice-versa.
- The more physical damage you do, the more Physical Resistance the Opponent Gains, and vice versa, so you’ll want to bring Champions who have a good mix of both types through Basic and Special Attacks.
Explosive Personality
- When Blocking an attack, activate an Armor Up Buff, boosting Armor by 25%. Upon reaching 5 stacks of Armor Up generated by Explosive Personality, Armor Up stacks explode and remove 25% of opponent's Health.
- This one is pretty simple: don’t hit your opponent’s block or they’ll get a huge Armor bonus, and you’ll risk taking a lot of damage.
Feats of Power
- When above 1 Bar of Power, gain a Fury Buff. When above 2 Bars of Power, gain a Precision Buff. When at 3 Bars of Power, Gain a Cruelty Buff.
- These Buffs are VERY strong, so this is meant to have you control your opponent’s Power Bar effectively to avoid having to deal with the very strong effects.
- These Buffs DO Stack, so at 2 Bars, the Boss will have Fury and Precision, and at 3 Bars, they’ll have Fury, Precision, and Cruelty.
As long as the opponent has around 3 or so buffs I think then you can just stun lock the entire fight. Especially for the Resistor node. Who knows, I'm curious to find out
I’ll also probably switch out AA for Wolverine 5/50 if there is any unavoidable damage nodes
(Iceman, DV, Guilly, Hype, Thor, VisionAOU, Ultron, Hulk, Magik, GP and X23)