Missing Deathless Pieces

Spec1722Spec1722 Member Posts: 1
edited January 3 in General Discussion
So with deathless thanos releasing, I am wondering if there will ever be a chance to get the deathless pieces players may have missed for past deathless any time soon? I was Thronebreaker when deathless guillotine was going and most of dkg so there was basically no chance of me getting the battleground piece or the aw showcase pieces, and there were 2 other dkg pieces i missed. It would be nice if there was some carina challenges or something to get old deathless pieces, i would like to get thanos but assuming he requires all 4 deathless champs at 7 stars, it would cost me 20k units to buy him. (1 guilly piece 3 dkg pieces) Not to mention the fact that anyone just starting the game now would need to spend like 50k units to get deathless thanos, since there are very few permanently available pieces. If deathless thanos is going to be a meta relevant champion, he shouldnt be near impossible to obtain.


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,514 ★★★★★
    edited January 3
    Probably not this year. Crashed said it will happen, but it'll be awhile.
  • Forgotten2Forgotten2 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    Probably be a year out so like december 2026 or January 2027
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    edited January 3
    He said likely second half of 2025 or first half of 2026 but isn't sure yet. But did say he wants those who get deathless thanos for us to play with him for at least one year if I recall. Don't quote me on that lol
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