Is this the Finishing Blow for Non-whales?
While its true that spenders always get an advantage, selling off champs for $100 (assuming they plan to rotate this deal to all 7 stars like the 9.5k unit deal) essentially takes away from the RNG/grind aspect of the game, and moreover the efforts of doing content to get shards / AGs etc as why bother doing content and other game modes for an RNG chance of a champ you want when you can flat out just buy them for $100.
On another note, the Platinum Track now has 7* Dazzler in it, meaning we'll get a guaranteed 7* from it. So it will be similar to this. Granted it will take longer to get her, but that's the cheaper sacrifice to make because Plat Track is only $25. But the $100 offer for 7* selector is instant.
What a surprise,
It's cool, idc what whales do as I'm not trying to compete with them and neither should you.
The mid spenders get a few perks like a free buffet; which is usually the frequent comp value of the lowest tiers. I wonder how this is applied in the game... Oh wait I know by putting Valiants and TBs in same reward pools.
Kabam doesnt do a lot of things rewards wise because of fear of creating an imbalance in the economy. But people being able to just scoop up any 7* is not good imo as it basically takes away the incentive to grind hard amd earn it. It also takes the fun of RNG out of tne game
I did whale-out once for three seasons, and if they had $100 offer to get 7* champion selector for picking up the champion I wanted instead of buying multiple Cavalier/ Paragon/ Valiant Feature crystals with low % rng.. i actually would have saved money from opening crystals for that particular 7* champion (during that time, it was for 6* as 7* champions weren't introduced yet).
OP, my advice to you - play to enjoy the game, you do not play to compete against the whales account and complain about so called imbalance of their accounts.. just be happy the whales are helping keep the game MCOC lights, employees, and game servers running.
Thank you whales for your contribution to Netmarble Kabam MCOC.
People expect to be able to receive the same level of rewards and opportunitybut this is an economy like any other, there’ll always be those who are super rich And get they’ll always more perks out of it.
People misunderstand that the perks that us lower level spends or those who are free to play get is that game is kept alive by those willing to spend more
The final blow for non-whales? But then you go on to say you enjoy the RNG aspect.
I can only presume you’re a non-whale.
So really, you’ve answered your own question. No it isn’t the final blow as RNG is enjoyable for you, and where you aren’t buying these champs - content rewards, and grind rewards, are still very much applicable to you.
This is literally MORE than it costs to get a FULL AND COMPLETE PS5 game.
As for console game comparison. This is a free game. A free game I personally have spent more hours in than any PS5 games combined. I won’t give you any clues, as to not spoil the fun, but there is a clear winner here in terms of ‘value for money’.
Thank you guys for keeping the lights on the and the unskippable adverts away
They are funding the game. And thankyou by the way for funding our NO AD game.
F2P is a challenge, if we don’t want to spend that’s fine. It’s a great challenge to see how far we can go with no spend.
But p2w is needed, and they need something to make it worthwhile. I know other companies just throw skins etc that have no impact and that does work, but it depends on the community. Not sure if skins would work on this game. They probably would actually. But how easy to implement I don’t know.
So yes, if p2w people like the idea of easy to access 7 stars for some money, awesome idea.