One thought regarding full Deathless team

You know how when you use #Cull's worthy with Serpant on the team, at the start of the fight there's a callout of their "worthy name"? 
So, I think it'll be cool if while using all the Deathless+Thanos, they will have a call out too. The callouts can be based on the titles of the Deathless introduction vids.
For example:
So when DKG will enter a fight, there will be a red callout saying "The twisted branches"

So, I think it'll be cool if while using all the Deathless+Thanos, they will have a call out too. The callouts can be based on the titles of the Deathless introduction vids.
For example:

So when DKG will enter a fight, there will be a red callout saying "The twisted branches"
Here's Hulk. I found this a while ago and I noticed that this interaction only triggered if they had class advantage.