Finally pulled the trigger

So ever since I saw the first spotlight for Arcade I’ve loved the champion. His animations are insane and I love that he feels like the character in terms of having access to elaborate traps and so many types of DOT effects. Then his prefights offer so much utility that I’ve been so tempted to r3 him even though he’s unawakened. But I always held back because I could never get his rotation to feel to practical or worth the effort. So I just assumed he’d live on defense. But then I saw this video: and a similar one from MSD and now I’m thrilled to take him to rank 3. The heavy spam/auto block rotation finally makes him feel practical to use. It’s not that I needed anyone to tell me he’s worth ranking but I did need to understand a different way to play him to feel like it was worth the resources. So thanks Allison Edits and MSD because now I’m having a blast with a character I already loved but couldn’t figure out how to play!
