How about next year, we get bundles and items Christmas store? Instead of realm and solo milestone

Basically similar to all the event stores we’ve had and still have, traders outpost can just be cut n pasted with new bundles and single items. And add new currency that you get when you buy banquet crystals.
So buying banquet crystals gives you points to spend in the store. Even if the banquet crystals sucks as they did this time, it will allow people to have some choice over what they want.
Store could have all the same stuff as in the realm event and solo event (keep alliance one for some shared activity results). But you can just select what you want. Means people can bypass stuff they have lots of, and save up for something big they really want.
Still has item control that kabam probably wants. and give players choice to avoid rewards that they just aren’t interested in.
So buying banquet crystals gives you points to spend in the store. Even if the banquet crystals sucks as they did this time, it will allow people to have some choice over what they want.
Store could have all the same stuff as in the realm event and solo event (keep alliance one for some shared activity results). But you can just select what you want. Means people can bypass stuff they have lots of, and save up for something big they really want.
Still has item control that kabam probably wants. and give players choice to avoid rewards that they just aren’t interested in.